[Pic] Hong Kong 2007

Jan 16, 2008 21:48

After Vietnam it was Hong Kong next. And Hong Kong was... food and shopping. Seriously. =)
Well, one or two days we were out sightseeing. Oh, not to forget about Mong Kok and Sino Centre and the Ladies' street. xD

And we did had fun, though we also got bored. APM in Kwun Tong was our 'hang out place' besides the Ladies' street... ^^;

First meal in HK. Dinner with relatives at home. I like the green things best. =)

We rented an apartment in Kwun Tong. It was pretty cheap....

... but the best of all, it was spacy!! The not-so-good-thing was we had to climb the stairs six floors up (no elevators).

Mochi ice-cream. Freezing cold for the teeth to chew. ^^;;

Yan Fook Church. This was the place we were going to spend Christmas Eve. But then we got stuck in the MTR mall of Tseung Kwan O. ^^;

Nui Yan Gai (Ladies' street) in Mong Kok, market stalls selling a lot of different stuff.

I've lost track of how many times we went forth and back along the ladies' street. (Trust Jenny to always squeeze herself into the pink corner....)

Still there. Hey, it's cheap. And I found some nice Hello Kitty stuff. Yup, besides Kame I'm totally crazy about Hello Kitty. XD~

Hahaha... dad, you're so funny. Come on, take the pic, we're looking like we're having a lot of fun - take the pic! before the smiles get stiff. XDDD

Christmas choir. Why they are standing before A bug's life I have no idea... T_T;

APM, better than Knutpunkten. =)
We never bought anythings in the stores though, only ate sushi twice (Genki Sushi and Nagoyaka Sushi Tei) and borrowed the toilets lots of lots of time....

Do you want to know what this tastes? It tastes... nada. O-o
But the ice milk tea is good enough.

This is indeed Mong Kok, HK. Soooooo crowded. T_T

Hui Lau San. Okay, so you didn't allow me to take pictures, I did anyway and I'm putting it up in my LJ. Hey, you get advertising for free!! Coconut something with mango juice. Yummy!! The fruits (though) didn't taste anything...

Don't ask me what this weird thing is called. Dad ordered it, I guess it was good for cough.

Papaya and...? I can't remember. It wasn't tasty though, that I remember. Hey, but the straw is really cool.

It's far to walk from the MTR up to the streets.

Someone please tell my dad a lift (may it be a transparent lift going 15 floors up) isn't a tourist attraction. We queued just to be able to view the view. ^^;

View from the transparent lift in Causeway Bay.

Can you see the taxis?? Cool.

I told you we got bored. So we just took a little trip to Shibuya. In Japan.

Food Street in Shibuya. LOL, if you can't tell that we're still in Causeway Bay, I won't tell you...

Waiting for Shinkansen.

I'm still kidding. But I don't know why, this time in HK, there were so many things that remind me of Japan. Or maybe it's just that I see Japan everywhere (too bad I can't say the same thing about Kame....)

Totally still fit for fight. Where do you want to go..?

The answer is... Central!

My sister and a fake background.

We need a map. There's no map! Oh yes, there is... XD

Hey, I'm hungry. Can we have some food?

Food? No, you can't find food here. But here's a nice building. Take a pic!

I guess this is a 'must see' when you're in HK.

This is my dad. He looks like an elementary kid on picnic with his school class, eating french fries from Burger King. (Jenny's words, not mine!) ^^;

We stayed there until sunset.

"It's starting to get cold. Can't we leave...?"
"Just another pic."

DON'T tell me what you think. Just don't. (And I won't tell you.)


How do I look like?

Breakfast at Dai Ga Lak. ("All family happy". Or more like "Everybody's happy".) Well, my parents weren't happy after the meal. Ever after, they muttered complaints whenever they saw the sign of this restaurant.

What?! Do you think we're bored?

Heading towards...

...the idol Kamenashi Kazuya Andy Lau! The handprint that is.

At the harbour.

Please, I want to be so tiny you can't see me. O-o

Kawaii-chan to imouto-san. The name of our diary for this trip. Of course I named it - because me can't be the imouto*! Kekekeke..... XD

Excuse me, but Christmas is a Christian celebration. A Christmas tree is not a wishing tree. I think that is more shintoism... well, whatever. T_T

Cute ice-cream selling train.

Night view at the Harbour. Also called My Sister Is Freaking Out.

Okay, she has some photoshooting skill I have to admit (it's in the genes).

Funny light effects.

I'm bored. Entertain me, please. Do I look a little bit like Matsumoto Jun here? I mean, just a little little tiny bit. Though I'm much cuter, I mean in a girlier way.

The palm hairstyle. Seriously, I don't know her. Just a google pic....

Studying + travel =/= efficiency
(I think she read 4 pages...?)

Jenny finally gets what she's longed for: char siu rice in a rice box.

What are you looking at? Never watched people eating eggs??

Egg tart and VITA Lemon Ice Tea. Could it be better? XD~

Dad and I were fighting over the egg tarts. He got one.

"Don't be scared... I'm just going to eat you."

My precious egg tart. The last one is mine...!

The last day. Dinner with relatives (of course, first and last day). Our cousins and their cousin (in the middle). Isn't it just typical of Chineses to have dinner with the TV as a company?

Uncle and his wife (that is, my dad's dad's older brother's son. To make it simple: dad's cousin).

Celebrating mom's birthday. Her birthday was the first day of our trip, thus we celebrated it the last day of our trip. Well, at least we did celebrate it. That is what counts, right?

Mom's birthday cake. 30 HK dollars. THAT. IS. CHEAP. For a cake.  =)

Back at the airport of Copenhagen. Waiting is boring.

Hong Kong loves green....?

To be honest I didn't really search for evidences in HK, because I wasn't in the mood. Got these anyways. XP

Green skyskrapers.

Green toilet at a restaurant (or somewhere). I never entered this place, dad took the pic to show me. ^^

*imouto = little sister

trip, food, pictures

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