(no subject)

Oct 25, 2005 12:04

So I have reached a dilemma with the whole college application thing...

Do I apply to a college which I am sure I can get in to, and further recieve a full scholarship, even if I have no inclination of going there? Why would I do this? Well, the college is close to my grandparents (which is good), has an excellent education school (future plans), and I can go for virtually nothing financially. On the downside, the university has an average incoming freshman SAT of 1094, an average GPA of 88/100, does not have my specific major (international relations), although I could recieve an interdepartmental degree in it, and has no real recognition as a good school.

I know that by applying, it would give me an excellent safety net in a worst case scenaria, however, I also know that my parents would put insane pressure on me to attend. Seeing as finances of their number one concern, they see a college willing to give me a full scholarship as the perfect match. In fact, my parents would probably hold it against me if I didn't go. I've already turned down one full scholarship... can I realistically turn down two??
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