Nov 03, 2011 11:39
1. Yes, drafting began with NaNo. I don't think it was completely a coincidence, though I'd like to think it was. ("oh no, I don't do NaNo. It doesn't work for me" blah blah blah. which is also true)
Truth is, I chucked out 10,000 words of the beginnings, two starts that didn't quite, and ended up starting again on Tuesday.
2. With a tighter outline. Scrivener works for that. Though it crashes on the Windows beta, so only for the neat little note cards board.
3. No, I'm not an Apple person. Every single Mac and Apple product I approached crashed/broke upon my touching it. Eh. go figure. Everything crashes, even if people love it so much they say it doesn't.
3.5 A friend of mine says that years of Mac ads looking down at her turned her off ever getting one. It's like being friends with the Cool Girls who've laughed at you behind their hands, but not to your face.
4. Slowly savoring The Night Circus. Shall be sad when it's finished.
5. I really shouldn't read other people's writing blogs. Some blogs offer you a seat and a hot drink, lovely and unobtrusive. Others are shiny and glinting and made by people who juggle five different things at once and sound like they shit bullets. AND they live close to you. Not great for my hidey-hole/just write mentality.
daily slog