Dec 27, 2009 11:39
At times I feel that learning the lyrics spoils my liking of a song, and having an over-elaborate plot spoils a story. Whether this is shallow thinking, I don't care. My point is that you don't have to cook up some crazy plot with lots of twists to impress your audience -- this is what a primary/secondary school student always try to do when they have to write a narrative essay -- instead you just have add little details to make it unique. As for a song, it is nice to have meaningful lyrics but once you learn the lyrics, a word becomes a word, not a sound anymore and that seems to detract from the enjoyment of the music. Obviously this may be why we can like jap/canto/korean songs so much even though we don't understand its lyrics.
Trying to act more philosophical, this reasoning applies to life. It is little things that makes life enjoyable. Skydiving, mountain climbing etc do not make your life any better.