Solstice Resolution

Dec 22, 2012 00:26

I've always made my resolution on the solstice, to me it just makes the most sense. It's about letting your resolve for your goals strengthen as the light grows. I'll be reading my cards tonight as well but I thought I'd post my resolution here.
1. Live daily life following the 5 H's as much as possible:
Happy-Show up with a smile on your face, it's ok to have bad days, but don't assume that today will be one of them. You never know where you might find joy, and it will certainly find you a lot easier if it recognizes itself in your face, attitude, and actions.
Healthy- Make the right choices for your body. Eat well, move often. Every body is different, so pay attention to what yours needs and it won't let you down.
Hungry- Go after what you want. Chase it down like it matters, because it does. Never stop striving for your goals, set backs are just stepping stones, you will get there if you keep at it.
Humble- Have a quiet confidence in who you are and what you do. There is a difference between confident and cocky, learn it. There's nothing wrong with knowing a lot, just don't be a know-it-all. And never make anyone feel belittled if they know less than you
Hard Work-This is a tough one. Don't work yourself into exhaustion, but work hard enough to feel it. And work comes in many guises, learning, teaching, and even tentatively trying something counts. Just do it all with gusto!
2. Taking care of Physical self:
Activity and Diet- Activity: 20 minutes at least 3 times a week (even if it's just walking), Diet: Watch proportions, eat healthy and regularly, watch fast food and snack intake.
3. Creative goal (a thing a week)
Art- A piece of art, sketched, inked, and coloured, measuring no less than 9”x5” (small pieces add ex: 4-5 ATC’s/badges)
Writing- 1000 words of literature, be it story, poem or similar
Craft- A medium, large, or two small crafts (using the craftster model of s/m/l)

It's a lot but I need it in my life right now, goals are important. Not proper goals but I also want to keep socializing as much as I have been, and watch money a little better. Things aren't bad on that front, but they could always improve.

growth, writing, introspection, truth

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