Jun 27, 2012 02:06
My muse has decided to come back, with a vengeance. Some time ago I took out a book from the library, and got the seed of an idea for something (likely my next nanowrimo). But it was really just a seed. Then a friend of mine mentioned a website and my seed got some sun, and rain. It's still too early to tell if my seed will germinate into a big idea, but it's there in the soil of my brain.
But that certainly wasn't the only bit of inspiration my muse brought. I've had this idea for awhile about doing a 12 set series based on the Pearsons Archetypes (Sage, Warrior, Innocent, Caregiver, Creator, Ruler, Member/Regular, Lover, Jester, Outlaw, Magician, Explorer). But for me having an idea does not always equal the drive to complete that idea, especially when my muse is away. So I can often have an idea that sits for months on end. I had the idea for this months ago, sketched one very rough image and that was it. Until a few days ago. Now I have all 12 sketches, and I mean, these sketches are in a state of readiness for colouring.
I've been musing about other things too, life, and all that jazz. Things have been calm I suppose, or at least as calm as my life generally gets. We have a new washer and dryer, and two weddings coming up, this and next weekend. I've been trying to be a good housewife and keeping things at least tidy and more or less succeeding, though tomorrow is laundry and dishes day.
Kink is there, in bits and pieces, and I'm trying to figure out where I want to go next, but I'm in no rush to get there.
Friends are at times good and bad. I'd like to see people more often, but I find myself becoming irritated easily, through no fault of theirs. I'm generally moody lately, and it's annoying, but not so awful as requiring some kind of intervention, at least I'm not inclined to think so.
Summer is almost here which means being a full time mom becomes ever more time consuming. I see many trips to the legislature in my future, and maybe even something cool like fort edmonton park, or the art gallery...or something.
I had goals I wanted to meet for around this time, but didn't. I'm trying to be at peace with that, but likely it's one of the reasons I'm cranky. I'm in the awkward position of someone who does not take criticism well, but is in need of some. I certainly don't really want any from my friends, I don't think that I could take that.
Failure of my goals is made even harder by seeing others succeed in endeavors I so desperately want to. I'm being purposefully vague here, but it remains true. I'm also feeling a lack of support from some, and almost suffocating support from others, which makes me more confused than anything.
At this point I'm rambling, but I just came here for a general update and ended up revealing more than I even suspected was going on, so clearly I needed it.