My Recs List

Apr 20, 2006 07:49

Okay. I've read way too many fics that have been good, and then I haven't saved the link and I completely forget about them. So, I'm starting a recs list. This will probably end up being updated many, many times as I find new fics... So, anyway, here be ficcage.

Angel Fics

Relating in the Aftermath by Kizmet
A story told through POV's as the various charaters react to Angel being seriously hurt.

History by Rose of No Man's Land
Spike's insane, Angel's broody and all they have is each other.

and its two sequels:

Lucky by Rose of No Man's Land
Sequel to History so read that first! In this one, Dawn leaves and Spike will do anything to make Angel happy. Be warned: This is Spangel. Angel POV.

Snowflakes by Rose of No Man's Land
A little Christmas inspired story, kinda fluffy with dark undertones. Follows on from History and Lucky. Spike realizes it's Christmas, and Angel goes along with it. SpikeAngel pairing.

Buffy Fics

Life After Buffy series by SaberShadowKitten
Despite death, life must go on. Post-The Gift Series

The Blind Leading by SaberShadowKitten
Spike's chip is damaged and he becomes blind. How does he cope?

The Fragments Series by Shadowscast
What if Spike really did get the Shanshu? This series is my exploration of what life might be like for ex-vampire Spike. One thing's for certain: Xander is involved.

Unintended Consequences by Shadowscast
Long and fluffy and all about the kink, not to mention a wishful-thinking rewrite of Seeing Red. Just after the Magic Box Spike & Anya sex show, Spike gets mysteriously sick.

Unspoken by Anaross
Spike/Buffy. After Not Fade Away. "I've always envisioned him giving Buffy a garden that he could never go to in the daytime, to give her something alive for a change." James Marsters

Once In A Lullaby by Doyle
"Normal Again"-verse. "Buffy has a disconcerting habit of killing her doctors..."

A Spander Easter ficlet by savoytruffle
Oh, just read it. It's short, and it's hilarious. ^_^ And I can't really say much without totally ruining it, but it's great!

Emulating Atlas by Girl With Journal
"...So he watched over them: the Summerses and the Harrises and the Rosenberg-Maclays. And under his watch, their numbers grew. And grew and grew and grew. Pretty soon, he realized he had lost track of who was a Summers or a Harris or a Rosenberg-Maclay. So to be on the safe side, he took to protecting pretty much everybody. You know, just in case. Because he promised...."

Harry Potter Fics

Stealing Harry by samvimes
Stealing Harry grabs canon by the throat and disembowls it. If Lucius Malfoy got to Peter Pettigrew before Sirius could, Sirius would be a bookshop owner, Remus would have a steady job, and one day, when Harry Potter was eight-and-a-half years old, they might kidnap him from the Dursleys... (Sirius/Remus in later chapters) (The sequels, Lacoon's Children, are also great - about Harry when he goes to Hogwarts, and again, the HP'verse is turned completely upside down.)

Lord of the Rings Fics

A Little Nudge Out of the Door by Jocelyn
Legolas's adventures as he comes of age as a warrior and learns life lessons: family bonds can endure anything, men are odd, dwarves are sometimes friendly, and true friendship is immortal. Complete.

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