Jul 09, 2016 21:03
I'm going to blame my lack of energy today on shingles, and try not to do too much of the self-loathing thing. I went to the gym for the first time in a week yesterday, but just had a very easy workout on the elliptical and came home. My plan was to go back today, but that hasn't happened, and is unlikely to at this point. I had an open house this morning, and I think I got several good contacts out of it. One guy even waited for me to close it up so I could show him some more properties in the neighborhood right afterwards, so I'm hoping he'll continue to work with me and I'll be representing him in a purchase soon. I have learned not to count on any of these things, but I am doing the work I need to do, and I'm proud of myself for that.
But I was exhausted by the time I got home, and crawled into bed around 4:30 for a nap. Woke up at 7:30 and pondered just sleeping through the night, but decided I'd at least get out of bed and do SOMETHING, even if it just meant bringing my computer downstairs and being online from the couch instead of from bed. Hey, it's sorta progress. (My plan, though, is actually to do some tidying, once I'm done blogging about how little else I've done today.)
I have another open house tomorrow. It's a bigger, more expensive place, so we don't expect as many visitors as I had today, but I'd still love to snag a lead or five if I can. Then Toby and I have plans to go to the gym, so I'll get at least one more workout in before the weekend's over. My last dose of shingles meds is tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be feeling back to normal really soon.