Mar 20, 2016 09:51
My oldest niece is 12 today! I just caught up with her on a google video chat. She's in Montreal with her mom for spring break, skiing. She does black diamonds like it ain't no thang. Girl is brave! She's always been fearless, though. I remember being at Myrtle Beach with her when she was just a baby -- about 16 or 17 months old -- and she'd dive into the waves. She knew her aunt or uncle or dad would scoop her out of the water before it was a problem. It's funny how Frankie is about the complete opposite (she's a worrier, scared of a lot of things), but then Bess is very much like Lucy. So much so that she's got the name Knucklehead from not learning from her injuries...heh.
On the one hand I can't believe Lucy is so grown up, but it's not entirely the cliche "I-can't-believe-she's-12!" feeling. I can believe it. She's been really mature for a long time. She's an amazing big sister. She's a great thinker. She plays strategy games with me and wins against adults. She's inquisitive and always wants to learn. She's not trying to be too grown up, either. She loves playing and being a kid. I may be biased, but to me, she's the perfect 12-year-old.
I was feeling pretty morose last night, but talking to Lucy this morning turned my mood around a lot. My nieces never fail to lift my spirits. <3
Happy birthday, Lucinda!