Jul 17, 2013 10:53
If I look tasty today, it's because I spilled about a gallon of olive oil on myself this morning. More like a couple tablespoons but still...that shit goes a long way. I am full of grace.
Actually, before that happened, I was in the grocery store, and a man there said to me "I must tell you how magnificent you look in that dress!" I said thank you, and then he noticed my wedding ring and said, "Oh, man, of course you're married. Of course." Heh. It didn't feel like a creepy exchange at all. He was totally respectful, and the compliment made my day. I could have sworn, though, that the skirt on this dress was longer when I left the house. It's the first time I've worn this one, and that compliment guarantees that it goes into heavy rotation, but I probably shouldn't wear it to work again. I do feel somewhat tarty.
When I was downtown yesterday, I walked around a bit just to enjoy the warmth and the feel of inner Portland, and I happened upon a bead store. I went in and talked to the clerk about all the stuff I bought this weekend, and ended up signing up for a weekend class that will hopefully teach me how to use this stuff. There were actually a bunch of classes I was interested in, but I'm starting with the basic one and we'll go from there. It's just a one-day thing, and it was cheap, so I'm excited. That's two weekends away, though.
Two weeks from today, I fly to New York and arrive at Falcon Ridge! The end of FRFF is always supersadtimes, but the silver lining is that I get to go back to Brooklyn and spend a couple days with my nieces before I fly home. Then two more weeks and I go back for the family cruise. The cruise part I could take or leave, but it'll be nice to be with everyone for a little while, anyway. Still trying to figure out how I will divide up my time and money for travel this fall. I want to do the Phoenix NABC, I want to do the Phoenix half-marathon before that (just enough before that it would have to be a separate trip), I want to go to Philadelphia to fulfill some visiting promises, and I want to see my family as much as possible. I also want to work and earn money. I suppose an overabundance of options for exciting things to do is kind of a luxury, though, so I won't complain.