(no subject)

Sep 29, 2012 20:01

I'm almost done with all my WW training, and it looks like I'll be taking on some meetings of my own pretty soon.  It'll be nice to get more into that and start seeing the income from it.  Funds are about to get tight for a bit.

Our latest update on the house situation is that the construction will be complete on Monday (of course, we've heard this before...).  If that's true, we'll have an inspection on Tuesday and hopefully close basically right away.  Our lease is up on October 31st, so we've got wiggle room, but Z is home next week and then not again until the end of the month, when I'm gone for Jess and Noah's wedding (!!!!).  So it'd be ideal if we could start moving next week.  Not sure how realistic it will be to aim for that, though, since we can't close before Tuesday at the earliest, and I'll work W-F, and we want to replace the first level floors before we move in any of the downstairs furniture...I have a feeling that's not going to be very fun.  But it'll be great to get it done!  New floors!  Woo!  (Signs you're getting old:  you get excited about floors.)

I ran the Portland Color Run today -- that was a different experience!  It was untimed, and there were 16,000 participants, so I wasn't going for a PR or anything.  I don't even know what my time was, but it felt fastish.  It was hard to go full out though because it was just too fucking crowded.  I was a little (okay, a lot) annoyed that even though they made like eleventy thousand announcements for walkers to stay to the right, the course was clogged with walkers the entire way, and they made absolutely no efforts to make way for runners.  <>  With so many participants, they staggered the starts, so I started like half an hour behind the first starters, and thus had to deal with walkers for the entire course.  Whatever, this event was so not about running anyway.  Shanon was walking with Jack, and started a few waves behind me, so after I finished my run, I doubled back on the course to find her (about halfway through it by the time I found her) and just walked to the end again with her.  We got Jack good and colorful by the end, and he just looked at us like "WTF are you crazy grownups doing?"  One of the people in our group brought her new exchange students with her -- they got here from Thailand YESTERDAY.  What a crazy welcome to the US!  I don't know how people do the Color Run when its in other places, but I guarantee you Portland is one of the crazier ones.  Even for regular 5K's here, a good percentage of the crowd shows up in costumes of some sort.  Today everyone was dressed all crazy and throwing paint on each other all day.  I wanted to tell them "Portland's not really like this all the time," but the thing is...yeah it is.  I went into Chipotle for lunch covered in paint, and no one even gave me a second glance.  Just another day in Portland.  I love living here.

You can't really tell from the pic, but my entire face was blue.  My bathtub looked really interesting when I showered...

running, portland, ww, house

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