Feb 20, 2009 19:40
i'm back, from non-internet days.
well, apparently not using internet for 2 week plus is not so bad. still 'livable'.
here goes:
i feel
1) aimless, a little. partially cause no job.
2) excited. going to Taiwan. hope the cherry blossom by the time i go there.
i am
1) making myself as 'useful' as possible. helping out at home, donating blood (seriously i did :) )
2) learning driving. one of my highlights of my lull now.
3) sorting out what i want to do in the future. i have a dream, or 2 dreams to be specific. either or.
one, to go into tourism industry in the future. or
two. to open a 'personalized' gift shop.
or maybe both.
regards to point 'two.' :
1) most gift shops sell mass-made products which lowers its appeal. why would you want to receive a gift which is the same as everyone?
2) most gift shops do not allow people to make their own gifts. (if there's one shop that isn't, pls tell me!)
so. i thought why not have a shop that sells both ready-made gifts AND a corner of the shop to make you decorate/make your gift on your own? (is there one in Singapore?)
maybe there's one and i'm on the lookout for you.
something like Build-A-Bear. why not Make-A-Gift?