Sep 02, 2005 23:40
i just had dinner at flutes at fort canning - yes, that would be the restaurant where the cook was arrested for possessing drugs. maybe that's why everything tasted so good ;) anyway, i am rather worried about my lack of reaction to alcohol. i drank a tall flute of moet & chandon champagne (12% alcohol content i think) and i have yet to experience any dizzy feelings of lightheaded inebriation. perhaps you have to drink rather more than i did to get drunk but i think that i usually get much higher just playing cards - think along the lines of "YOU TRUMPED MY QUEEN, YOU'RE GOING TO DIEEEEEE!!!!!!" and picture the ensuing mayhem if you will :D:D:D in fact, im usually quite high on a daily basis so alcohol should logically have me bouncing off the walls or something but im still strangely sober and fully capable of passing all those queer tests of non-intoxication like touching my finger to my nose and walking in a straight line or whatever. clearly, i am captain sobriety - i win!
thus i obviously must be immune to the effects of alcohol coursing through my bloodstream. this means that i shall be disappointing all those sadistic people who want to see how their friends behave while drunk on prom night since i am clearly incapable of achieving that state of blissful plasteredness. in fact, im probably going to be the one cleaning up all your puke (like eww) and dragging your sorry alcoholic asses back to the pan pac room/suite so you should all be nice to me in case i decide to throw your tipsy selves into the singapore river instead ;D there are of course some people (naming no names, of course :p) who are at rather greater risk of being tossed ignominiously into the smelly river - that is, if they aren't too bloated (read: morbidly obese) after a night of indulgence for me to lift.
but just in case, you'd all better come to prom with your wetsuits on underneath :):):)
ps. hweemin has suggested an 'under the sea' theme - like wetsuits and spongebob! any takers?