"August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time."
- Sylvia Plath
This weekend was mainly spent at the NCCS Donor's Appreciation Hi-Tea and getting my nails and hair done. Don't know if having a two-day week is actually a good thing or not (haha duh, i know it is) because it makes this Monday-morning inertia even greater than it usually is. (I'm definitely going to treat myself to a cappuccino and an orange-blueberry scone tomorrow morning. Just something about hot take-away coffee that scalds the tip of your tongue and pastries in crinkly brown paper bags heehee). Having said that, I can't believe it's my last two days at TBU before I'm off to other new (and hopefully exciting) things. I'm a little sad to leave the people I've grown to like over the past one month but a gut feeling tells me that this isn't my place. Strangely though, I've gotten so used to blurting out "Ogilvy" each time people ask where I'm working because it's such an easy answer and most of the time, understood without any elaboration. I'll be sure to miss walking into that glass building every morning and tapping in and out of the lifts/office entrances. Hopefully I find LOOOVE in my new "home" the following week although I know for sure that it's not going to be as "glamorous".
In the meantime, I've caught the daydreamer's bug; I'm in the mood for 100 other things besides work. Wish I were in Paris (yueting, you lucky bitch) eating croissants for breakfast and nibbling at sugary candy-coloured macarons although I'm not even a huge fan. I'd also like to go to Colette just to see what it's like and sit in an al fresco cafe, watch those stereotype-y chic French women sip their coffees and smoke their ciggies while conversing in French. And of course, take pretty pictures.
P.S wouldn't it be nice to have a wedding/party in the exact same setting as the last picture? :):)