Working On a New Fic

Jul 19, 2014 02:37

So I was working on something, when a muse for a MinHo fic decided to come visit me. It wouldn't freaking leave me alone until I started writing the darn thing! At first I thought I could turn it into a one-shot (how naive can I be), since I haven't written anything for so long (blame my ex muses, & writer's block), but somehow morphed into a chaptered fic! What the heck??!!! How did this happen?! OTL Now I a remember how writers' that experince this feel -_-;

Anyway, ths fic will take a bit of time before it's posted since I need to do quite a bit of editing and what not, but it should be posted some time this month....I hope OTL

Here are a few things about it:

pairing: Changmin/Yunho (yes Changmin tops...and it that not change!)
genre: a bit sci-fi (..ish the only thing sci-fi about far is the machine..this may or may not depends on my muse)
rating: NC-17 (more than just bjs...if you're not comforterble w/ that..then either skip those parts, or read something else, but don't say I didn't warn you)

Min and Yunho are scientists who created a machine that changes a persons gender. They wanted to help take the risks of out of the ones that come with going under the knife, but to also make the change complete by, having them change biologically too. Being the scientists that they are, Yunho agrees too take part in a project to see what it's like to become a woman.
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