(no subject)

Aug 21, 2007 22:52

    So, yea I finally decided to get a live journal thing. I have been pretty lazy about writing in my real journal and so i figured that this might help. In all likely hood no one will even read this except maybe Cathy. So that is cool. A place to just kind of rant without anyone bugging me and I can be my nerdy self. 
    Only two days untill i go back to SMCM. I am pretty excited, since this summer has really sucked. Finding a job was a pain in the ass. At least i made some money waitressing these last two weeks or so, but its a shame I didnt do that all summer. I would have made some serious cash. Too bad, most of the money will go for school stuff and what not. I did just kinda splurge on a mutual gift for Jake and myself. At the time it sounded like a great idea, but now that i have ordered it, I am kinda having second thoughts. I can always return it if it doesnt work out. I just dont normally spend a lot of money on a wim like that and I guess with money being tight at home I feel kinda guilty. Plus I still have to buy his gift for our one year anniversary. I can't believe its going to be a year come October. Most of it has been great, but I wont lie, there have been times when things looked grim. I have serious jealousy issues with him, mainly cause I am insecure as to whether he really cares for me. I should give him more credit than I do, but I guess that is the little pessimist inside. Find something great and life and there has to be a catch somewhere. I'm working on trusting him... he really hasnt given me any reason not to.  One day at a time, thats all I can do. I know I am leaving this post not truely finished, but I dont really have the energy to play out my life story tonight, or ever for that fact, but just kinda writing whats on my mind.
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