Hey I really dont know what that is or what it does, but i know it makes you a bad person

Oct 11, 2005 01:29

A lot of times I wish I didnt do a lot of the things I did in high school, or atleast start doing a lot of stuff at that age.I know getting drunk is stupid, but I still enjoy drinking even though it seems like its hard for me to get really drunk that often anymore.

Smoking pot is stupid, but judging people because they smoke pot is also stupid. Who cares what people do, its their own life and it shouldnt have any effect on how you look at someone as a person. I dont look at people who dont drink or anything and think bad about them. Not everyone is the same or has the same interests, and noone is better then anyone else, no matter what they think.

Were all guilty of it, who cares. Its just stupid because two people i spoke with today acted as though its absolutely terrible to act around people who are high. Apparently everyone who smokes pot acts really stupid and annoying. Thats why getting drunk is awesome right? I mean nobody acts stupid or annoying when theyre drunk.

Ask Doog or Saeid if Sean and I are more annoying when we are stoned or when we are drunk and see what they say.

Im just tired of the hipocracy. Drinking to get drunk is just as morally bad as smoking pot to get high. We all have our vices, nobodys perfect.

You really cant talk bad about something until you try it. You cant say a certain food tastes bad if youve never tried it. You cant say a book is good if youve never read it.

I was always a picky eater when i was a kid, but as ive gotten older and actually tried new things i realized that they actually didnt taste as bad as it looked. I used to not like mayonaise and now its my favorite condiment.

Im not saying everyone should smoke pot, because it definitely isnt for everyone. Thats how life is though, not everything is for everyone, people are unique and have unique tastes and interests. I dont look down on people who smoke cigs even though i think cigs are nasty.

I think its funny when people say, "I dont like it, because ive been around people when they were high"
Thats like me saying, "Well Ive been around people who are smelly and orange from the tanning bed, so i dont like tanning beds"

Its all so dumb. Its like judging someone because they are or arent greek, judging someone based on their race, or judging someone because they arent like you.

But weve all done stuff like this in the past and we will all probably do it again

Thats why people are stupid and thats why Chris's 75% plan could possibly save humanity from the grave it is digging for itself.

Were all stupid, get over yourselves people.
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