May 19, 2005 13:44
i've been condsidering it a lot lately and the more i think about it the more i think i'd like to become a pirate. a lot of people might scoff at this. oh sure, they say, pirates are lots of fun... they plunder and swing around big cutlases and wear funny clothes and talk in hilarious imitatable accents. sure they swashbuckle and skulldugg and they're always drunk on rum cause they're pirates. they even stab people in the head and eat babies and jumpkick grandma down the stairs.. oh those jolly pirates, what cutups. well i can assure you philistines that there is more to the life of a pirate then meets the eye. take scurvy for example. but Jordach Bytal! you're probably thinking, is that really the kind of life you want to have for yourself? a life of skullduggery and booty and open seas and scurvy? the answer is yes. seeya fags.