Apr 09, 2005 12:42
So I've been thinking about saying, "Fuck WPI! I'm goin' to UMass!" But it's still me we're talking about, but honestly, last night was the most fun I've had in a VERY long time...So here goes.
So we're (Me, Bri, and Steen) driving to UMass (Amherst), and we make friends on the highway, after almost dying, and there's this station wagon, who's playing games with us. So we right them notes, and signs, saying to "Drive Faster!" And nonsense...they were going to UMass too, but we got lost, and therefor lost them. No biggie, they were ugly.
We get lost, pull into a gas station, and ask a man how to get there. This man, was like, middle aged, had long like, womanly dirty unhealthy hair, no teeth, dressed like a hippie, and weird ass jewelry on, and was like, "UMASS!!! You guys are in Vermont!!! It's about 60 miles that WAY!!! HAHAHAH I'm just kidding girls!!!" LoL, he was sooo creepy, I loved him, he had the weirdest fucking voice ever, I can NOT remember for the LIFE of me who he reminds me of...but someone.
We get there, Eric Lowe directs us up to his room, and we begin to drink. I funneled beers for the first time, yeah, that was interesting. Like, I messed up sooo bad when I first did it, I did NOT see it coming, I don't know, but it was hilarious and embaressing. But I did good the next time, and apparently I have a very determined look on my face while funneling. LoL, I cna only imagine what I look like, and I don't think I want to know. So we kept drinking, and meeting sick people.
There was a kid named Chris, who was awesome, and amazing, and hott, and adorable, and I love him, we all did. There was Henneberry, who reminded us of Crane, just like, his voice and everything he did, except for his acctual physical features. Some kid that reminded us of Turner, might have been the same kid, I was too drunk by then. Some Russian kid who claimed Marie wanted him, surely he lied. Unless of course, he was telling the truth.
Drink drink drink...
SO we go to a frat party (Red House or something), I don't remember everything, but like, little blurbs, so I'm recreating it as best I can. The walk over, yeah, no idea. So we get in, I get a cup, start drinking. Dance party bitches, dance party. Val Ilchenko is there, that's funny. We meet soooo many people, Franklin (The man), Stoughton Squared, a bunch of people that just kept pointing out that I was Mike McCormick's ex gf, often followed by a "WHAT! Oh shit!" I don't know, I was confused. There were a lot of people that like, we obscurely knew there, it was cool. I danced with Bri like, the whole time, because Steen was busy like, dancing with the super amazing Chris kid, and we were jealous. We danced with possible everyone, it ruled. Bri hooked up with 3 guys, the bartender dude, some black ugly guy named "Rafael" and another one named Andy who ate her face, as she put it. I hooked up with some kid who's name I do not know, it's not even that I don't remember, I never knew it. I don't even remember what he looked like, other then he was short. I remember some kid coming up to me going, "You're so fucking hott, I just wanted to tell you that I'm in love with you before I go." To which I replied, "What? " And he hugged me, and left. LoL. So we stumble upon one of our idols, Sarah Sanderson, and we hang out with her, I danced with her ALOT, my life is complete. If only Marie were there... SOmething we all noticed alst night, all the girls there were sooo cool, none were like, stupid bitches that look down on us, they were all wicked cool. Didn't expect it. So Steen didn't hook up with amazing boy, she should have.
We eventually left the frat, and walked back, on the way, stopping at some "Homer House" so Bri could throw footballs, and make friends with Kenny from Sudbury, who was THE MAN as well, he had long hair, and was wearing a Sox shirt and pajama pants, he was awesome. Then we met Mark who was 22 from LA, and he was hott, very my type, big burly and had a goatee. Very hott, would have hooked up with him, if I wasn't like, well, I don't know why I didn't...probably should have, he was dope.
And back to the dorm, to go to another party. There were a bunch more wicked cool people there, but I kept falling asleep. I wish I was awake, there was this wicked cool kid named Kenny (Another one!) who was like, asking me tons of questions like, about my life, it was funny. I liekd him though, he was really cool, and really sweet. I wish I had hooked up with him, but nope, I was too busy passing out. Makes me sad, i liked him!
So we went to a 24 hr diner at like, 5:30 in the morning, where there were like, 30 black people eating, for no reason. And I had no money, and didn't get to eat, except for Steen's fries, love you Steen! But by then, my knees started to kill, and I was just really cold, and tired, and almost in tears because of my knees, I felt like such a dweeb, and everyone kept asking "what's wrong?" so I kept saying I was tired, because I didn't want to get into all my joint shit. But it was bad, I don't remember the last time it hurt that bad...
Went back to the dorm, made a bed on the tile floor out of one blanket and 2 pillows for all 3 of us, not good for my joints, or the insane coldness. Slept for 2 hours, drove home. Here I am.
There's so much I missed, I can GUARANTEE it, Like I just rememberd the midget now! LoL, we'll see what else I remember later. But in conclusion, I love frat parties. However, while all of this was happening, I was thinking about Bell the whole time, and how sick it would be if he were there, LoL, ahhhhhh!
P.S. Ali Gosh called me, she hooked up with Driskey!!!!!!! AHHHHH Jealous!