Jun 09, 2008 18:34
So it appears that I'm gonna have to start looking for some new work.
It's not like I got fired or quit or anything like that. There just seems to be less and less of a demand for the product that I make.
This really sucks ass. And not in that good way. I still have some time. That's the best part. That and this is the slow time of year for the Day-Job anyways. I'm just reading the hand-writing on the wall, and it's telling me that it might be time to go soon.
I really wish this wasn't happening. I Loath job searching with a passion. There's a million things I can do. It's just, anything that I can get, won't nearly offer the perks and Freedoms that I enjoy here with My company.
I'm trying stupidly hard not to get pulled under with this. It's surely a one-way-ticket to depression-ville. Production should pick up around the end of Sept. through the new year. After that, It's anyone's guess.
There's some huge Thunder going on outside. Right now @ 6:40p Huh,.......maybe this is a direct correllation to the way I am feeling.
Perhaps not. All I can say, is that finding another job is going to be tricky. Hopefully not too tricky and Hopefully I won't have to start until the new year.
This could have come at a better time...........Like........Oh....say....Never!
Gods! We also have to move to a new house in Aug.
So Yeah,.......there's some real for you.
I got to go now.
Luv's and Hug's to all,..........................~M~