(no subject)

Sep 26, 2010 12:01

Here are two things I have thought lately, as reposted from Buzz:

So, it is the nature of the me that I am forever under a backlog of campaign ideas. Currently not being run:

Road Hogs! Mutant animals battle for liberty, riches and glory across the highways of post-apocalyptic California in their souped-up, Mad Max style cars.

Influences: Six-String Samurai, Mad Max, The Good, The Bad, and the Weird, The Magnificent Seven, luchador movies, Joe Lansdale, Kung Fu

In Hoc Signo Vinces: (name retained for historical reasons). Pseudo-Renaissance fantasy horror in crumbling urban environment. A world corrupted by the worship of dark gods is in desperate need of heroes -- but you scruffbags are gonna have to do.

Influences: Scott Lynch, Lankhmar, Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, Enrique Alcatena, heist movies in general, Arturo Perez-Reverte and a leeeetle bit of Gene Wolfe.

Basically BPRD: supernatural beings and human badasses trot all over the globe fighting monsters and exploring weird shit. Spirit of the Century maybe?

Influences: Hellboy/BPRD (obviously), MCWoD (don't laugh), um ... Atomic Robo, Solomon Stone, James Bond, Grant Morrison's JLA

Arthurian history/romance: somewhere in the general vicinity of late 5th-century Britain, a noble Romano-British family tries to keep its head above water in the face of economic catastrophe, political intrigue, and the ever-present threat of the barbarians.

"All that we loved is broken, all that we built is torn down, and all that we sowed is reaped ... by the Saxons."

Influences: The Warlord Chronicles, Arthurian romance, De excidio Britanniae, A Game of Thrones, Britain and the End of the Roman Empire


Further to the previous post about campaign ideas.

I have been painting miniatures recently, mostly in an attempt to clear out my tin bin. I don't have the heart for a major project at the moment, and when I do it probably ought to be slick_mink's Dwarfs. But I was talking to annwfyn and said: "the thing is, I don't have any game to play these with. I mean, what kind of game has a tribal frog warrior, a vampire swordsman, a floating brain, a living computer program, a zombie hunter with a machete, a space policeman, and a ghost?"

I meant it as a rhetorical question, but the answer, of course, is: a rad game.

It would be kind of a neat character creation method for a game like OtE: here are a bunch of random miniatures. Pick one and tell me what this guy's deal is!
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