(no subject)

Jan 02, 2006 03:10

cleveland was sweet as hell. i had alot of fun...except for the stones losing. we stayed in some hotel, it was alright. after we checked in, us guys went to the mall. we had the whole starting line up with red jerseys on. it was sweet. people were talking crap, as were we. we didn't get much sleep that night. we got to the game a little early and went out to eat. we saw this sweet huge lebron picture on this building. i took a picture of it on my phone. the q was alright. we sat kinda high up though, but whatever. there was more piston fans there then i thought there would be. we talked crap the whole time before the game, but we pretty much got pooped on once the game started because we like never had the lead. it was all good though. we're going to indiana next to watch them play the pacers on february 4th. hopefully we win this one.

First and Middle Name: Joseph Harold.
Fav Nickname: if i had one it'd be something sweet...like j-bone.
Real Age: 18.
Age you act: probably 18.
Thing you like most about yourself: eh, not much.
Thing you like least about yourself: i have a hairy butt.

Fav Kind of Music: hip hop.
Fav Artist at the moment: weezy baby.
Fav song at the moment: ahhhh, tough choice.
Fav Actor: 50 cent, haha yeah right...probably vince vaughn.
Fav Movie: summer catch and wedding crashers.
Fav TV show: boy meets world, family guy and smallville.

Do you...
like fruit? oh yeah.
like vegetables? nah, i'm not a big fan.
Eat Fast Food? every single day.
Sleep a lot? too much.
Spend too much time online? too much.
Think too much? uh huh.

your perfect man? about 6 foot, blue eyes, sandy blonde long hair, nice abs and pecks, gotta have a nice butt and has to be athletic. haha.
your perfect pizza? i'm down with just cheese.
your perfect date? whatever she wants.
your perfect job? anything with sports.
your perfect dream? being rich.
your perfect weather? sunny with a high of 73.

Are you...
an optimist/pessimist? i'm going to be completely honest...idk what the hell that means.
virgin/non-virgin? non.
smoker/non-smoker? non.
for/against gay marriages? whatever makes the people happy.
democrat/republican? democrate.
happy/sad? as of right now, pretty happy.

What would you think if...
your best friend got pregnant? well that'd be messed up. ...unless it was breanna., then i'd support her.
your brother/sister was gay/lesbian? i'd beat their ass 24/7 and make them straight.
your mom did drugs? i'd be dissapointed.
you won the lottery? how about when i win the WSOP...i'd go crazy and by everything.
someone said you were beautiful? true.
someone said fuck off to you that you don't know? shake their hand and tell them how sweet they are...idk.  
Love life...
Do You Have a Boyfriend/ Girlfriend:: i don't.
If So, Whats There Name:: ... If So, How Long Have You Been Together:: ...
Do You Have a Crush:: hm.
Do They Know:: hmmmm.

Best:: i can't name just one.
Funniest:: too many.
Tallest:: rich.
Shortest:: lou.
Loudest:: they're all pretty loud at times.
Shyest:: idk.
Smartest:: they all are, in different ways.
Blondest:: breanna.
Craziest:: eh, lee.
Nicest:: everyone, but besko.
Sweetest:: erbody.
Weirdest:: idk, shane?

In the last 48 hours...
Went online?: duh.
Yelled @ someone? Who?: yeah, lou for a second.
Hugged someone? Who?: yeah, lots of people.
Cuddled with someone?: yes.
Laughed so hard you peed your pants? Why?: lol, nope.
Cleaned your room?: oh yeah.
Watched a movie? What?: i don't think so.
Watched tv? What?: yeah, football.
Cried? Why?: nah.
Drove down your street? Why?: yeah...because it's my street.
Drove on the high way? Where?: yeah, on the way home from cleveland.

When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at?: my face.
How much cash do you have on you?: like 5 dollars.
What's a word that rhymes with "SHOE"?: foo.
Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?: apley.
What is your main ring tone on your phone?: t pain feat. mike jones - i'm in love with a stripper remix.
Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing? nike shox.
What were you doing at midnight last night?: sitting with breanna at her house.
What did your last text message you received on your cell phone say?: yessss, text me to confirm the execution of january 1st, 2006 -mikey.
What's a saying that you say a lot?: call/all in.
Who told you they loved you last?: breanna i think.
Last furry thing you touched?: idk.
Your worst enemy?: idk.
What was the last thing you said to someone? idk.
If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a major regret?: pfh, give me the dough.
Do you love/like someone?: i love, my mom.
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