Past and Upcoming conventions

Sep 20, 2012 13:03

So I've finally updated my Convention Reports page with at least brief reports on

Gen Con Indy 2012
Pacificon 2012

As preview, here are the two games I am running at Big Bad Con in October:

Hellcats & Hockeysticks
St. Erisian's school has stood for over a hundred years and survived war, plague, famine, demonic attack, strange explosions in the science block and countless attempts to get it closed. To be fair, not _ALL_ of these disasters were the fault of the students... As the headmistress says, "At many schools, the girls are left unprepared for the cold, cruel world. At St. Erisian's, it is the cold cruel world which must be prepared for our girls."

This is a session of mayhem in the spirit of the St. Trinians movies, using the Hellcats & Hockeysticks system - billed as "the role-playing game of chaos, anarchy, and decidedly unladylike behavior." Characters are upper class girls at the strange and infamous St. Erisian's boarding school, and will be created using templates either in advance or in the session. cf.

1001 Nights: Shajar al-Durr
In the year 1250 in Cairo, a new Sultan has been appointed. With the crusaders defeated, it seems like a high point, but trouble brews with those who dispute the appointment.

This is a run of Meguey Baker's A Thousand and One Nights, set in medieval Egypt with premade characters. This has a rotating storyteller, so we will all pick characters from the pregenerated set and create stories as our characters. cf.

And here are the two games I am running at AmberCon NorthWest in November:

Nine Princes in Onyx
By some accounts, Onyx was created when the rainbow serpent gave grandfather Daquain the jewel - and from that he carved the primal Pattern. But the future is being threatened now that prince Keyon has returned to vie for the throne.
This is a re-imagining of Amber with different cultural roots. Like Zelazny, it isn't a particular real-world mythology, but it draws on various myths - just different ones than unicorns and knights on horses. It is set at the parallel time to the first Amber books, as prince Keyon returns to Onyx after long absence.
This will be character-heavy, run using a variant of traditional Amber Diceless rules.
Every Meal a Banquet
"Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I love the Corps!" That's how sarge would wake you up. But in the thick of the action, the choices get more difficult. When the T-Rex mercs have been tearing through your front lines, and drones keep breaking through platoons point defenses, your whole life may flash before your eyes - and you might not like what you see.
This is a game about space marines, but it's about who they are and the choices they have to make rather than shooting enemies. It will be diceless, with some dialogue scenes acted out.
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