It's not over yet, not even close

Nov 16, 2014 22:03

Tonight my sister and I were having a quick chat over Facebook instant messaging where she told me she had been at a talk with Benedict Cumberbatch about his new movie where he plays Alan Turing. She had heard of Alan Turing in relation to computing, but she had not known about his final days, and how he committed suicide because otherwise he would have had to either be chemically castrated or go to jail for simply being a homosexual. She said, "I can't believe that kind of thing went on back then."

I blinked, then typed back, "It's STILL happening!" I followed this up with information on Uganda, Russia and India. While I might be married with full marriage benefits here in the US, there are still places where being gay is a crime.

While I think she had some idea of what has been going on in the world, I don't think she really got it until she talked to me tonight.

gay rights

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