spn 5:22

May 14, 2010 22:46

Dean and Sam. That just kills me. I have nothing to say about the two but that Dean owns Sam and vice versa.

I can't imagine how Sam must have felt, when Lucifer showed him how much of his life is a lie. Dean, he just broke my heart when he reassured Sam.

Dean just breaking down where his brother fell was just spot on. Though I really, really just want Adam, Dean and Sam to just be happy, yes Dean and Sam with Adam, because that guy is adorable. fanfiction please?

I feel bad for Lucifer though. I really think that he does love his brother, but everything is just fucked up between them. Maybe that's why God shoved them in the hole so that they kiss and make up. LOL

Even though Dean did go to Lisa, I don't think he'll stay. Even if perse  Sam did not come back. He'll eventually leave.

and appropriate icon is appropriate.

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