
Mar 04, 2010 23:59

I'm in the process of printing my Thesis for bookbinding. I finished my final exam this afternoon, and I only have 3 pending projects to go, then university is no more for me.

I'm so nervous that I'm almost hyperventilating, all my life I've been a student. I'm 20, I've been going to school since I was 4 or something. Now that part of my life is almost over. I'm lucky, because my parents supported my studies financially, hopefully I can help them support my brother when I start to work. It's a Filipino culture to stick together through thick and thin, for us family is everything and it may be weird and unconventional for some, but for us it is a way of our life. Sometimes it's a burden though my dad does not want to apply for work if I can't go home everyday. Oh well I guess I'll think about that when the time comes.

For the mean time. Lalala I'm enjoying being a student while I can. 
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