(no subject)

Dec 28, 2009 23:37

Title: On Hold
Notes: This is my Christmas gift for blueeyedliz sorry for the lateness I hope you liked it!This is probably my last post before going on my LJ hermit days. I will probably see you guys on Feb. If I seem dead, I'm not I'm just trying to graduate. Happy New Year everyone! 
Summary:  Like the watch, sitting on the bedside table, cracked and permanently stopped at 3:48, Jensen’s life is on hold and broken.


Like the watch, sitting on the bedside table, cracked and permanently stopped at 3:48, Jensen’s life is on hold and broken. Unlike the watch though Jensen is stubborn and he wouldn’t sit and stay that way, if he has control over this. Everything is in Jared’s hands and the doctors keeps saying that they just need to wait, give him time.

In his own time.

We just need to be patient.

Just be there for him.

Those words over and over again that he doubts that the doctors mean it. Like it’s some sick routine line they are supposed to say everyday. Jensen is constantly fighting the urge to strangle them or shake Jared until he wakes up. He hates this, because he’s not a violent man but all this waiting makes him feel pathetic. He can’t do anything.


Jared has getting on his nerves lately, so much that he wanders how a man his size can be so whiny and childish. Jared yelled at him for always having his panties in a twist, he yells back it’s a surprise that they haven’t gotten in brawl, yet. Okay, maybe they’re both on each other’s end lately.

Jensen thinks it’s the anxiousness that this is it. This is the end, he doesn’t have to spend time with his best friend anymore. No more working 16 hours a day 6 days a week. no more Jared. They don’t have to live with each other anymore.

Sure he’s been away from Jared before but he knows he’ll see the man again, but now is different. They don’t know if they’ll see each other again. They just move on, get on with their lives and he finds that so frustrating, because five years, five freaking years and just that. Most of his frustration is receive by Jared ironically.

Rolling his eyes for a hundredth time since they drove half an hour ago. “Look Jensen, this is getting ridiculous, just stop the car and I‘ll get a taxi. We obviously need some time off, we act like old married couple getting a divorce, except we‘re not old, married nor a couple but perhaps we should just take a break.”

Jensen sighed but he found a place to stop the truck.

“Glad you‘re finally seeing it my way.”

“Look, Jared I‘m sorry for being a jerk lately. It‘s just… I just… I don‘t know how to, but…”

Lips against his, sharing a clumsy but fierce kiss that tells him that Jared feels the same. That maybe, just maybe this is what he wants. Maybe this is what he needs and Jared is willing to give it to him, and boy is he going to take it.

“You talk to much Ackles, now drive if you want a second kiss when we get home.”

Fast Forward

The police debrief him of what really happened because from his memory what happened was a screeching blur, one moment he stopped at a red light smiling at Jared the next his world crumbled.

A bus behind them, like a clichéd movie conflict, lost its breaks. The bus driver choose to hit them of all things, pushing them towards a speeding semi.

He was told that it was either them or a bus full of children, like that was supposed to make him feel any better. Because it doesn’t.

The drivers of both the bus and the semi apologized, Jared’s family can’t bring themselves to press any charges. They understand that what happened was nobody’s fault. They have faith that Jared will get better, but they don’t feel what Jensen is feeling. They didn’t see their son bleeding and unconscious. Jared didn’t promise them everything only to be taken away by chance.

Jensen left the room feeling ill, it’s hard to be so angry when he had no to be angry at. When everyone is implying to him that he doesn’t have a right to be angry, that even if Jared was there, lying unconscious at least the children were saved. He wants to scream and break things, because between those children and Jared there’s no contest. When it comes to Jared he doesn’t care about any other soul and that scares him.

Jared fucked him up real good. He used to be a sensible man, thinking about things before placing blame. Jensen felt numb as he held his ‘friend’s’ hand, when they say that fate has a way for biting you in the ass they were not kidding. That’s how Jared’s mother found him, she gave him a knowing smile informing him that they’ll be going home at Texas. Jensen would have protested but more visiting hours for him.

“Jensen, take care of my baby, not that I think you need to be told. Call us when he wakes up.”

These Padaleckis are way to easy for the world.


He finally understood why he has been feeling so miserable the past three weeks, well aside from Jared being stuck asleep. It’s because he left so many things unsaid to Jared, the very same reason why he was an asshole to Jared before. He wanted so much from Jared but now everything is on hold because Jared needs to do this on his own time.

If he doesn’t know better he would have thought that this punk is playing a game with him. But he knows Jared, the kid to stubborn to give up. Besides Jensen won’t let him.

“Now Jared I think you promised me a second kiss.”

Giving Jared a chaste kiss on his forehead he continued rambling.

“Wake up soon Jared. There are a lots of things I need to tell. I never really apologized for being a jerk towards you, plus I have lots of plans for us. And you have tons of get well soon cards to read and candies to devour. ”

The staff always leaves tons of fruits and cards for Jared, while Misha brings in hoards and hoards of candy whenever he visits. Jensen does not like it whenever he comes over, he always gives him a maniacal knowing grin that seem to tell Jensen that he knows something.

Doctors informed him something of ‘increased brain activity’ and ‘will wake up soon’, those didn’t help actually, he was more impatient than before. He spends his days waiting for any twitch, all eyes on Jared. The nurses can barely shoo him away from the hospital room but most of the time they give in to his will.

Misha was hanging out like usual, rambling about his wife picking candies for Jared and being high and mighty because he knows that Jared will like his gift best. Jensen would be annoyed if he was not focusing all his attention to Jared. Mark was also there listening to Misha, but glancing to the window every once in a while.

Somewhere between Jensen asking Mark why he’s here and not filming lost and Mark answering that he’s here for a friend Jared twitched and moaned. It was Jensen’s turn to grin while Misha just stopped.

Jensen was beside Jared in a flash coaxing him to wake up, kissing someone in coma as a motivation to wake up was probably not advised but he still did it. In his opinion it did work because after the kiss, Jared opened his eyes. A little disoriented and with a thousand questions, but it does not matter, he’s awake. Jensen glanced back to his vigil companions, Misha was once again grinning like a maniac, while Mark seemed surprised but he was smiling at them.


Jared found his broken watch that Jensen kept while he was in coma. Pouting while Jensen told him why he kept it.

“Who are you and what did you do to my Jensen?”

Jared gave Jensen a playful push, he was discharged two days ago but you’d think nothing was ever wrong from all the energy he is displaying, though he still needs to visit the hospital every week for therapy.

“You‘re such a sap Jensen don‘t blame me when some says you‘re the girl in this relationship.”

“Nu-uh sweetheart, not when you give sleeping beauty a run for her money. If I knew my kiss would wake you I would have done it the first night.”

Jared stuck his tongue towards the him. “Ass! That reminds me, how dare you steal our second sleep while I was sleeping. Who knew what other kinds of perverted things you did to me then? ”

“It‘s for me to know and for you… never to find out.” Jensen muttered with a wink.

“Jerk! hmm.. So any news while I was sleeping?” Jared inquired.

“Nothing I‘d know of, my life went on hold with you.” He answered truthfully.

“Ohh…” Placing the watch on the table. “Jen… please throw this away, it‘s broken but we aren‘t. We move on now.”

“Now that‘s a plan. Uhh.. Jay, do you want to stay hey for a few more months?” Jared’s dimples are answer enough for Jensen.

fanfiction: j2, fanfiction: oneshot

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