Oct 08, 2007 08:39
Sunday: We had our game day yesterday and it was loads of fun. It seems that our game days attract a different group of people each time but always a smallish group. The lasagna was excellent and Annie brought this salad that was very spicy, which was a new concept to me.
We played Tsuro, Killer Bunnies and Gloom. We ate Chinese and Sushi for dinner. It was a lot of fun. Thanks to those who made it.
Saturday: Thunder meeting in the evening, always fun. We had not been to one in three months so it was good to see everyone and they all missed us. Did some fire side singing and drumming.
Saturday afternoon: Went by American Tattoo Studio in Knoxville, MD, who is the mentoring business for Area 42. They have up a small display case with our items for sale. I have some good ideas now for how to improve that display and hope to accomplish that this week.
Friday: Cleaned up for the weekend, ran errands. Relaxed.
area 42