May 04, 2005 16:56
first off, you all have to understand. There's a creep and his name is jake. I don't mean creep as in creepy like, edward scissorhands creepy (I know, I know, none of this crowd find him creepy.. but some people do) I mean creepy like, make me feel a little uncomfy when I talk to him creepy. So I asked trent to be my fake boyfriend and basically tell him to stop talking to me and calling me pretty and shit like that. Not that I'm afraid of Jake, seeing as A) he's in my grade and he sits behind me in homeroom and B) bei can't stand him and if I couldn't take him alone (if I needed to {and I highly doubt i wouldn't be able to take him alone})
He like, got on the other day and said, "you looked pretty today" and then he asked me who I liked. Hrm. Sounded to me like he wanted to know who I like so that he could see how he would need to improve (which not matter how much he improved, I don't think I would go out with him) So yeah. This is the result of trent's conversation with jake.
Comments beforehand: Trent = awesome for doing this for me
AntiXflag90 [3:50 PM]: is this Jake?
rjkDemonHunter [3:51 PM]: ya, u one of britts friedns or soemthing
AntiXflag90 [3:51 PM]: No im Madelyn's Boyfriend.
rjkDemonHunter [3:51 PM]: oh, oh
rjkDemonHunter [3:51 PM]: k
rjkDemonHunter [3:51 PM]: lisen
rjkDemonHunter [3:51 PM]: before u say anything
AntiXflag90 [3:51 PM]: Dude I know you have a crush on her, and that I do not care
rjkDemonHunter [3:51 PM]: i was just complementing her okay, i dont like her liek that
rjkDemonHunter [3:52 PM]: shes nice but i dont liek her okay
rjkDemonHunter [3:52 PM]: dont worry
AntiXflag90 [3:52 PM]: I just want you to know that I know you cant help your feelings but she is mine
rjkDemonHunter [3:52 PM]: if it makes u feel better, im never talking to her agaimn
AntiXflag90 [3:52 PM]: And I lover her dearly
rjkDemonHunter [3:52 PM]: good, shes really nice but i dont liek her liek that
AntiXflag90 [3:52 PM]: No dude Its okay if you talk...just like no Flirting or anything like that,
rjkDemonHunter [3:53 PM]: oh, k
AntiXflag90 [3:53 PM]: See I love her with my whole heart and to restrict her from who she can and cant talk to is wrong so I just dont want like any flirting or anything because she doesnt feel for you that way
rjkDemonHunter [3:53 PM]: im not going to talk to or though, her friend, britt, my ex, thinks im pbsessed with her b/c i said i liked her dress so ya
rjkDemonHunter [3:54 PM]: i didnt knwo she had a bf, its k now, i wotn flirt with her
AntiXflag90 [3:54 PM]: haha, yeah well like I understand how you are feeling, and she is a beautifull girl thats why i feel the way I do about her, but next time just keeo your comments to yourself so people cant make fun of you are say sht
AntiXflag90 [3:54 PM]: see ya dude
rjkDemonHunter [3:55 PM]: lol
rjkDemonHunter [3:55 PM]: later
rjkDemonHunter [3:55 PM]: sorry
AntiXflag90 [3:55 PM]: Dude its fine,
Then he asked me if he could keep talking to jake. I said it was okay, and this resulted.
AntiXflag90 [4:05 PM]: PS dude, If you ever fucking touch Madalyne or any of her fucking friends, I will personaly cut off your fucking dick and make you eat it...Okay...Thank you, Bye
rjkDemonHunter [4:05 PM]: whats with that
AntiXflag90 [4:05 PM]: Ive heard some shit, like how you have sexualy harrased some of her friends
rjkDemonHunter [4:05 PM]: bull
rjkDemonHunter [4:06 PM]: i dotn fuicking belive this
rjkDemonHunter [4:06 PM]: there telling u know
AntiXflag90 [4:06 PM]: and Im just saying that if you ever fucking try it agian Then I will mnake you eat your fucking cock
rjkDemonHunter [4:06 PM]: lisen, im happy for u for having madi, but who ebver said that is lying
AntiXflag90 [4:07 PM]: Dude I dont know if its true or if it isnt ture...all I am saying is you better not do this shit agian
AntiXflag90 [4:07 PM]: or start doing it
AntiXflag90 [4:08 PM]: ok
rjkDemonHunter [4:08 PM]: so tell me, how did i sextuall harrase someone?
AntiXflag90 [4:08 PM]: so aslong as you dont do it anymore, were fine
rjkDemonHunter [4:08 PM]: its a lie, its okay if u dont belive me, u dont know me but its a lie, id never do anythnig liek that
AntiXflag90 [4:09 PM]: Whatever man
rjkDemonHunter [4:10 PM]: i dotn belive this
AntiXflag90 [4:10 PM]: but see from what I hear is you ask some girls to undress and you always compliment their bodies and shit
rjkDemonHunter [4:10 PM]: omg
rjkDemonHunter [4:11 PM]: who u hear this from?
AntiXflag90 [4:12 PM]: Someone ok...Im not going to tell you because i dont want you down their throat about this
rjkDemonHunter [4:12 PM]: i sware, ur nice to a girl u liek and this is what it gets u
AntiXflag90 [4:12 PM]: wait i thought you said you didnt like her
rjkDemonHunter [4:13 PM]: im quitting dating till im in collage
AntiXflag90 [4:13 PM]: Dude get your story striaght
rjkDemonHunter [4:13 PM]: no, no
rjkDemonHunter [4:13 PM]: not madi, anoither girl
rjkDemonHunter [4:13 PM]: i liked this girl and i was nice to her, then she said i was a stalker and all this shit and, you get where oim goping
AntiXflag90 [4:15 PM]: dude all I fucking know is you better starting treating women with some fucking god damn respect other wise no one is going to treat you with respeect and from what i hear and Know,....I think you are the lowest form of fucking life
AntiXflag90 [4:15 PM]: And you should be ashmed of yourself
rjkDemonHunter [4:15 PM]: omg
rjkDemonHunter [4:15 PM]: no
rjkDemonHunter [4:15 PM]: iv treated girls with respect my whole life
rjkDemonHunter [4:16 PM]: i have never grabbed a girls ass or chest b/c i think its wrong
rjkDemonHunter [4:17 PM]: i know guys who treat girls so badly, and i am the one who tells them off
rjkDemonHunter [4:17 PM]: i understand why ur doing this, and i respect u very
rjkDemonHunter [4:17 PM]: but this is total crap
AntiXflag90 [4:17 PM]: Dude you need to take a good look in the mirror ok because you are one of those fucking guys
rjkDemonHunter [4:17 PM]: no im not
AntiXflag90 [4:18 PM]: Dude ok, Making sexist remarks and asking women to strip infront of you is your way of treating women with respect then you are a fucked up kid
rjkDemonHunter [4:18 PM]: lisen, iv given up talking to these girls
AntiXflag90 [4:18 PM]: Who needs some help
rjkDemonHunter [4:18 PM]: I NEVER DID THAT
AntiXflag90 [4:18 PM]: dude dont fucking lie ok
rjkDemonHunter [4:19 PM]: im not lying
AntiXflag90 [4:19 PM]: Theres no reason to...I live in thurmont and you live there okay now im not going to come get you if you have done this in the past
AntiXflag90 [4:19 PM]: But if you do it agian...TO ANYONE then I will be making a special trip
rjkDemonHunter [4:19 PM]: lisen, u have to belive me, soemone does, i never did anything like thsat
AntiXflag90 [4:20 PM]: Dude just hear me out...
rjkDemonHunter [4:20 PM]: k
AntiXflag90 [4:20 PM]: GOOD
rjkDemonHunter [4:20 PM]: okay, fine
rjkDemonHunter [4:21 PM]: i wont do it, ever, but im telling u thet iv neevr done it
rjkDemonHunter [4:21 PM]: theres no point arguing
AntiXflag90 [4:21 PM]: Whatever man...Now I hope this is the last time I will have to talk to you
rjkDemonHunter [4:21 PM]: iv never done it, nore will i ever
rjkDemonHunter [4:22 PM]: u seem like a nice guy but iv never done any of those things
AntiXflag90 [4:22 PM]: Whatever dude...
AntiXflag90 [4:22 PM]: I just want to know wetheir or not you understand me
rjkDemonHunter [4:22 PM]: lol, iv been saying that this whole time
AntiXflag90 [4:23 PM]: Goodbye