This?,0,6057993.story?page=1&coll=la-home-center This is fucking disgusting. There are no other word for the clusterfuck that happened there. How can these people still have jobs? Still have a fucking soul? I really hope her family sues the fucking balls off every single person who refused to help her, as well as the hospital.
God. I can't even say any more right now because I'm fucking disgusted.
EDIT: Also, this. What the fuck, Kentucky? What. The. Fuck. I can't believe I clicked through them all, but in a weird way it's almost worth it. The scary thing is that the creationists just built another one of these silly museums in Drumheller, Alberta to teach people the "other" side of the evolution debate. Personally, I don't think it's much of a debate if all of one sides answers depend on a fallible book written by a bunch of guys (misogynist guys to boot!- I'm looking at you, Peter) a while after Jesus actually died.
Gosh, everything is pissing me off today. >=(
In other news, did you see the pool? They flipped the bitch!