Mostly Friends-Only

Dec 09, 2012 09:51

This journal is Mostly Friends-Only.

Because I like knowing who has access to the random ramble I write.

It's now dormant and unlikely to be updated again.

  • If you know me, hi! You probably know what to expect, and have already been added to the flist. If I'm meant to have already added you but haven't, then poke me, and I'll remedy that.
  • If you don't know me, then feel free to friend my journal if you feel so inclined. However, please leave me a comment if you do (and if you felt like mentioning how you found my journal, that'd be nifty too). I can be a bear of little brain at times, and I may not notice you've added me if you don't. I cannot guarantee that I'll add you back, but if we share some interests and you seem like someone I'd get along with, then I probably will.
  • I support drama-free de-friending. If you find yourself skipping over the majority of my posts, then feel free to de-friend my journal. If you'd like me to de-friend you in return, simply leave me a message and I will.

    The only exception to this rule is if I'm friends with you in real life. If that's the case then I would appreciate you talking to me first so I know what I've done to rub you up the wrong way, and then I can hopefully work with you towards an amicable resolution.

Layout Notes:

My current layout is called Vertical Drift: a non-public custom style that I created. There's an awful lot wrong with it, and I'm well aware that there are various bits that are broken. However, I currently lack the time and the brain power to rewrite the code in order to fix everything, so it's going to stay broken for the time being. I'll either fix it one day or simply get fed up with the whole business and switch to something else. I'm currently unsure which outcome is the most likely to happen.

The background images were drawn and inked by hand, and then scanned and coloured in Photoshop. One day I might even get around to making some new ones.

I doubt that anyone would want to, but please don't steal my layout or my artwork. The stupid things took me long enough to make so I'd appreciate them staying mine.


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