Hajimemashite Minna-sama!! \(^0^)/
Atashi wa Jhen desu, Yoshinani!! ^,~)v
Let's all get along well neh? X3
did everyone understand it?
Coz if you didn't, you might as well stop reading already, coz I can assure you there are plenty times I will outburst such small phrases/words that's not really a word of the international language <(^^'<)
**its nihoggo
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I am not online when its weekends. . .X33
7 = Lol that's alright, I've got plenty of talk on me hahaha .^,~)b
12 = That's k-ok. . =b=b
14 = mine is vice-versa but what the hell, the important thing is we love them both! 8Db
18 = I like Tegoshi. . .X3
19 = For me, Kame's a better entertainer and Jin's a better charmer. XP
20 = High Five! >x<
31 = ehh. . >,,<. . .B-but, its an OTP so I think I tolerate it. . XPP. . .And, and, I dont think YabuHika is moe yet
38 = Why would I hate you when there's no reason? /(@0@)\. . .I said I "can" but its not like that'll be always. . X3
55 = hahaha! >XPP
60 = well, I'm insomniac for 6 years already so. . .Sleep is heaven to me. . >,,<)b
62 = Eeep. . .Well at least we never let us loose to it right? ^_~)
65 =yey for planners hahah! ^^)v
70 = and I'm a bibliophile! 8D
77 = waa. . .At least that's cute. . X3b
79 = INORITE? @,,@)b
81 = Is it L?? K?? J?? *take note to check your lj for it later mowahahah . .83
85 = Really? woow. . .I am scared of Physics. XPP
90 = haha birds of the same feather we are. . XPb
96 = love it too? ^^?
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