Tumblr. It's a minimal, visuals-based, upload and reblog-operated journal.
I am there.
I am sparklebiscuit.
It still isn't to my taste, not really. For one thing, I can't figure out how to reply to other users in the threaded fashion I see going around and therefore know is possible. But the dashboard can be mesmerizing.
And it sometimes even gets updated.
I am face deep in
this universe, six volumes and over two thousand pages in, and I have no desire to stop.
Fair warning: the third volume is nearly unreadable.
Then again, it's in a radically different style from the others, which might be good, for some. I can't stand it. I wonder if it was ghostwritten.
I would say you could skip it entirely and just go from Invader straight to Precursor, which is far and away my favorite.
Do you know what I want? I want CJ Cherryh and Julie E. Czerneda to team up. It would be kind of unstoppable.