Hello, since It's been a year since I started my fanfiction and blogging, I would want to formally introduce myself in this page. You can also view the FAQ here so that you can have an overview of who jhengchie is. If you are interested in being my LJ friend then add me up and I'll add you back^^
1. Name: Jhengchie
○ Jheng is a nickname my grandmother gave me and Chie is the short form of Achie or eldest sister in Chinese. My younger siblings and cousins call me Achie Jheng and I decided to reverse it and presto, I have my online nickname. Chie can also stand for my 2nd name Christine.
2. Where in the google map are you?
○ I live in the Philippines, a Filipino with a little Chinese blood.
○ The answer is both.
○ I like Jpop way before kpop but right now I'm more focused in Kpop. But I do keep myself informed about jpop once in a while
4. Which groups do you listen to?
a. Jpop => Arashi, Kattun, HSJ, News, mostly JE groups
b. Kpop => Super Junior, TVXQ, SNSD, Shinee, F(x), Ukiss,
5. Do you have a bias?
○ Yes I do.
○ In Jpop my bias is Yabu Kouta and Chinen Yuri [HSJ], Koyama Keiichiro [NewS], Matsumoto Jun [Arashi], Kamenashi Kazuya [Kattun]
○ In Kpop: Ryeowook and Henry, Yesung, Kyuhyun [Super Junior, top 3 biases although I like 11/15^^] , Alexander, Kevin and Kiseop [UKISS], Jonghyun and Onew [Shinee], Sooyoung, Yoona and Sunny [SNSD]
6. Do you ship any particular couple?
○ Yes I do ship kpop and jpop couples.
○ I do like YabuKei/Innobu and RyuChi pairing in Jpop.
○ I ship HenWook, KyuWook and YeWook along with Eunhae, kyumin, qmi and hanchul
7. Why these couples?
○ YabuKei
§ Majority of my jpop fics are this pairing.
§ My first fanfic is this pair and I find them really adorable together.
○ Ryuchii
§ The two youngest in HSJ, they are really cute and sweet together
○ HenWook
§ When the eternal maknae meets SJM's maknae, the two are inseparable.
§ Actually both are my top biases, my korean and chinese bias, so I love both of them^^
§ They are really an adorable and cute pair.
§ When me and my sister first liked Super Junior, HenWook was one of the first pairings we made [not really aware of the actual OTPs formed]
§ They are super close in SJM activities and they look really good together.
○ YeWook
§ As a yesung biased, Ryeowook is seems to be the fitting partner for my dear jongwoon
§ Actually we liked them coz of the EHB episode with the electrodes^^
§ My first kpop fic is a yewook fic
§ Knowing that they were room mates really made me think of what is their relationship really is.
§ Twitter only made me love these 2 more as both replies to each others' tweets^^
○ Kyuwook
§ Recently liked this pair and I do find it interesting how the double maknaes interact.
§ Kyuhyun's attitude seemed to be fitting with Ryeowook's gentle nature.
§ I sude this pair in my first lyric parody
○ Eunhae
§ My sister's parents^^
§ Well eunhae, along with henwook, is one of the first pair we formed.
§ They are actually really close in real life so I'm not even wondering why they are really popular.
§ I find their friendship really special and used this often in my lyric parody
○ Kyumin
§ My first accepted Kyu OTP. Sungmin and his girl-like personality seemed to be fitting with Kyuhyun's snarky image.
§ Sweet bunny princess and gamer are room mates and has always been room mates making me think that they are in fact really special to each other *shot
○ Qmi
§ My fave pair along henwook in SJM.
§ Zhou Mi's aegyo and Kyu's smile in SJM pictures plus their formation makes one think that Mimi and Kyuhyun looks quite good together.
§ Whenever I write henwook, Qmi is always the support pair, it's default XD
○ Hanchul
§ To complete the korea meets China pairing, hanchul is the pair to look forward to.
§ Hangeng and Heechul's closeness and sweetness is really undeniable like Eunhae and their actions speaks for themselves. ^^
§ This is my [other] sister's fave couple^^
8. Do you write Fanfictions?
○ I write fanfics, majority of which are super Junior fanfictions
○ My first ever fanfic is a jpop fic featuring YabuKei
○ My first Kpop fic is a yewook series.
9. What genre do you write?
○ My so called specialty is angst/drama
○ but I write
§ fluff,
§ crack,
§ rated
§ smut
10. Which pair do you write the most?
○ In Jpop, all my current fics are YabuKei fics
○ In Kpop, majority of my works are henwook because I feel that writing such fics increases the awareness and acceptance of Henry (and mimi since q mi is almost always in my HW fics)11. Which pair you won't write no matter what?
○ Well I still feel that I won't be able to write a romantic minwook even though I tried.
○ Kihae and Eunmin are the same story but if I try, I could try to write them..
12. Where do you post your fics?
○ Older posts (and some new ones) are posted here in my journal.
○ I have my own fan fic community:
Chie's Fanfic Garden where I post my recent fics.the community is open to all and it doesn't need any membership to read my fics.
○ I post the links and promote my fics in Miracle___ a Super Junior fanfic community in LJ
○ I also post my fics in JE community, this is a jpop fanfic community for JE artists
13. Do I have to leave a comment when I read your fic?
○ It's not mandatory but I do appreciate your thoughts and I accept criticism. It makes me improve my works
○ Some of my readers doesn't leave comments but later on, in one way or another, they inform me of their thoughts about my work
14. I don't have an LJ, I can't leave comments
○ It's ok, comments are not mandatory
○ There is an option where you can post comment via facebook, though i haven't tried it
○ If you want to have an LJ, LJ is free and you can sign up instantly
○ Twitter is now connected to LJ, there is an option where you can eave a comment to a post via tweet.
15. Do you do requests?
○ Yes, there is a form in my community:
○ It may take a while though since there are tons of work to do and I have other stuff to take care of.
16. What other stuff do you do?
○ I do macros and lyric parodies
17. How do we find you?
○ I am an admin of two fanbases in twitter: Welovehenwook and Weloveyesungie
○ The fanbases are also found in Tumblr and facebook under the same user name
○ My personal account in twitter and Facebook are both jhengchie
○ My Youtube account is jhengchie25
18. Do you proofread?
a. Sadly I don't most of works have grammatical errors and wrong spellings due to the fact that I don't proof read. It takes time and since I have loads of stuff to do, I can't proof read.
b. Sometimes I re read my works and correct the spelling, and sometimes others offer to beta my work^^
19. Do you want others to beta your works?
○ I'm not forcing anyone but if my readers want to beta my work then I'm very open to it.
20. Can your fics be translated to other languages.
○ As a matter of fact, I don't mind other writers translating my fictions. I had three requests for my fics to be translated to Vietnamese (2 yewook and 1 hanchul)
○ If you like any of my fics and would want to translate it into your own language, you may do so just leave a comment on the fic or send a personal message asking for permission to translate the fic so that I may know that my fics are actually being translated and would not be hurt seeing them posted somewhere else^^
○ I only ask for is proper credit, a link to my original work and a link to the translated fic so that I can post it and promote it to my readers who wants to read in that particular language
21. Can I repost your fics in other websites?
a. Same with translating fics, ask first coz I maybe I'm a member of that website and would post the fics there myself if I wanted to.
b. Leave a comment or PM me, otherwise if you have no LJ you can tweet me to ask for permission
c. Provide proper credits to me as the author, a link to my original fic and provide me a link as well so that I can view the fic in the webpage where you posted it (and I can monitor my fics this way^^)
22. DO you write OC?
○ Yes, some of my requests are OC, and I write them
○ In some of my works, I included myself as an OC^^
23. What other languages do you write?
a. I can only write in English, never tried it on Tagalog coz it's harder to write in Tagalog than English^^
Any other Questions? Please leave a comment here and I'll answer them for you. Or you can tweet me in my personal account or any of the two fanbases mentioned.