Title: a place in my heart
jhengchie Pairing: Hanchul, Eunhae, Hyukchul, Hanhae [girl! Donghae and HEechul]
Genre: friendship, angst , fluff
Rating: PG-13
Type: Multi-chaptered
Summary: Heechul wants everything but couldn't get any since Donghae unknowingly had them.
Warning: Character death, violence
A/N: i don't know if anyone remembered this.. anyway.. update.. made it more fluff than angst right now.. but i'll retain the original plot...
part 1 *~*
part 2*~*
part 3 - NEWLY ADDED
Title: When SUJU meets JE
Author: jhengchie
Pairing: various
Subject: crossover!, fail!, band!
Genre: Friendship, romance, fluff, crack[?]
Rating: PG-13 [just to be a little safe]
Type: multi chaptered but each chapter can stand alone
Summary: Super Junior will have a concert with some JE talents for the Japan-Korea friendship festival in Tokyo Dome. What happens behind the scenes?
A/N: about similarities between suju and JE.. as observed by me and my sisters ^_^ and part sequel to
when Suju meets Arashi. here:
Bi Rain? NAh-ah! It's Koyama - Super Junior with Arashi and Koyama [NEWS]
qmimin meets Ohmiya - Ninomiya nad Sungmin conversation and couple's Anniversary
hentaro [a hamster's wails] - henwook and Chiitaro
Takahae and Hikahyuk - Eunhae with the rest of HSJ
itaDaikiMAsuda - Shindong conversation with MAsuda and Daiki
Rappers' wrapper - kibum, eunhyuk, leeteuk, shindong, donghae, heechul with Sho and Koki
Weird is just plain weird: I see fairies and aliens - Yesung, Donghae, Ueda and Shige
Maknae - all groups' maknaes featuring Henry's Violin
riida... umma... - leaders and eldest
Music and Lyrics - Ryeowook and Ueda [compositions ^^:] *newly added*
title: Angel’s Sacrifice - Kangteuk
Author: jhengchie
Pairing: Main: Kangteuk
Other Characters: Siwon, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Leeteuk, kangin
subject: Romance, friendship, angst, fluff
rating: PG
summary: Kangin is a sport jock, very popular but very unhappy. He is surrounded by lots of girls but all he wanted is someone who will truly love him for Him and not because he is popular. When and angel by the name of Leeteuk came to help him with his matters of the heart, he finally saw the green light until an accident changed everything.
A/n: This is part of the
Angel’s sacrifice - Henwook. I just wanted to add the Kangteuk part, and if I’m in the mood, maybe I’ll also do the eunhae series ^_^
part 1 - NEWLY ADDED
part 2 - NEWLY ADDED
i will be posting the fanfic prizes for
15 verses as soon as i finish them ^^; there were very interesting prompts ^^;