Title: Light of a Clear Blue Mourning
Fandom: OLTL
Pairing: Tea/Blair
Word Count: 2,290
Rating: PG
Summary: It started simply. As simply as such things do anyway.
Disclaimer: I do not own One Lift to Live. That is all.
A/N 1: I just started watching OLTL again, and this idea was inspired by a specific scene that made my subtext monitor go beep.
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Comments 9
You write their connection so well with lines like these:
I like to say it was my moment of weakness and her moment of strength that began this journey. She likes to say it’s the other way around. We argue more than is necessary, and about ridiculous things. I think it’s because we don’t know any other way. I’d be lying if I said we were even remotely interested in trying to find one.
And the ending was heartbreaking but so sweet at the same time. You really capture that balance so well of how something so horrible has brought them to such a wonderful relationship with each other they wouldn't have otherwise.
Again, thanks for reading!
I'm so glad to find more fans of Blair & Tea and to find fan fiction, especially as fantastic as this is, makes me so very happy.
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