My tweets

Mar 17, 2013 12:00

  • Sat, 16:25: I know my reward's in heaven, but I'm still mad @ wifilmfest's screening of Whedon's MUCH ADO sold out while I volunteered at the food bank.
  • Sat, 18:12: Poet's Corner: Monologue for an Onion…
  • Sat, 19:40: Plenty of idiots prowling the streets of Madison tonight, wearing stupid hats and searching for cheap green beer. #fb
  • Sat, 21:00: Tonightls filmed entertainment: Alfred Hitchcock's Rope. Chosen over the other DVD I have checked out because it's an hour shorter. #fb
  • Sat, 21:05: I've not. Heard good things, though. Also heard an upcoming Community episode is based on it--don't know if in terms of plot or technique.

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