An anniversary

Jan 07, 2013 16:03

My nephew David, whom I mentioned the other day as being slightly younger than Schindler's List, turned 18 years old yesterday. He was born long enough ago that when I first met him, 18 years ago today, I made a little joke about how his life would be better than that of Melrose Place’s Jo Reynolds's baby, who was at the time was presumed dead, having been kidnapped by Kimberly Shaw. Hey, don’t judge me. I was a big fan.

As it happens, there was another big Melrose Place fan in the room at the time, my then-friend and future ex-girlfriend Lisa S., whom I’d met in the Melrose Place forum on AOL and who happened to be in town to see her friend Steve Stockman be sworn in as a Member of Congress. We hung out a lot while she was in town, and it was convenient for me to bring her along to the hospital while we were on our way to whatever it was we had planned for that evening. In retrospect, it must have been weird for my brother and sister-in-law to have a complete stranger come visit their new baby, but they never said anything about it.

this day in history, tv: melrose place, family, history

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