Nov 12, 2010 10:54
I just read an absolutely fucking crazy thing on the website of Focus on the Family. It was a quick paragraph talking about the public school system.
In the paragraph, they started off on bashing public schools. They didn’t bash them for the certain types of teachers they have in the schools who are authoritarian and hateful towards the students, they didn’t bash the public schools for if they taught the objective facts of a subject or not, what they did bash them on was the gay activists who fill the public schools and try to teach our children about homosexuality, bisexuality and transgendered issues according to them.
That’s all the article said, but it’s the same bullshit over and over again. It’s the usual right-winged crap about how children are being forced to listen to prohommosexual propaganda as the right-wingers call it. It’s also the usual stuff about how the Christian Right is trying to repackage it’s hatred for homosexuals in more compassionate terms.
Well, I can definitely give my thoughts on Focus on the Family and all the people involved in oppressing gays.
Even if these people don’t agree with what gays are doing, they have no right to make up lies and distortions about this issue. People like Pat Robertson have said that gays are sick with a mental disorder and should be cured. Robertson himself had said one time about the Marc Foley scandal when a guest on his show asked him what he thought about Foley. He replied: “He did what all gays do.”
In other words, Robertson clearly believes the histrionic bullshit about how gays are supposed to be demented pedophiles intent on ruining the lives of young children and teens.
Then you have the Reverend Fred Phelps of Kansas who actually believes that gays should be given the Death Penalty. He makes Pat Robertson and the other like-minded thugs in that group look like sweet hearts.
This hate talk they spread is the exact kind of problem that lead to the death of six million Jews, people being tortured by the Spanish Inquisition and peoples’ lives being destroyed because of them being relentlessly accused of being communists back when Joe McCarthy was having his hayday.
Our public schools can definitely use an over-hall as well as a new way of teaching kids, but not for the reasons Focus on the Family says. More on the public school issue and the teaching of kids in the next entry.