Another long time

May 16, 2008 17:18

Truly it has been a long time since I have written here. I am just finishing my first semester at ITT Tech in Grand Rapids this next week. Davenport U in Holland is so much closer to work. I am talking with the intake person there again next Wednesday. I liked ITT Tech but some of the students did not seem very serious about getting an education. At the cost of education today I just can not understand why everyone would not try to get all they can out of it. Perhaps it is that way and always has been...

Just finished rototilling my garden area and got a load of very well composted horse manure to till in tommorrow morning. Working till 8 PM tonight. On "dinner" break right now.

Last Saturday night I spent the night in Chicago at my very best friend Rena's home. It was the first time I spent the night in Chicago since the night I got out of the county back in 1999. For violating probation. Possesion charges are the only thing I have ever been in trouble for outside of traffic violations. I am a huge fan of decriminalization, and even legalization.

I have 52 little "Lady Lavender" plants to put in the ground! Just got them today and they are next to me as I type. Smells great!

I miss my boy Kamden. He is almost 3. I th ink I will call now.
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