Story I am stuck on

Nov 01, 2010 03:03

Chapter 1

It is such a desolate place. No rivers, streams, mountains, valleys.....well you get the picture. The only features are scorched and dead clumps of scraggly grass, eroded hills, and dark, foreboding clouds with strange birds flying about. It is a frightening place for any who care to visit, though natives of the area are used to it. On a hill that is taller than others, but not by much, a lone figure stands watching the sky. Upon closer inspection of this hill you would be horrified to realize the truth. It is not a hill of earth and stone; it is a massive pile of of the slain. Some have been reduced to mere skeletons while others are fresh and still steaming.
  The person at the top looked liked he had been through hell and back and probably had. His face could be considered handsome if it had been shaved and washed. His clothes would be considered regal if they were not ragged, torn, and dirty. He was lean but under the ragged clothes his body was well toned, though scarred profusely. Scars wrapped around his body from the neck down to his feet. He had no shoes and his feet were dirty from walking distances unfathomable to most. He had been across this world more than once and had always come back to this exact spot no matter the direction he traveled.
  His name was, to most, odd and frightening and a bit ironic in the current situation. Grim stood there staring at the sky pondering the meaning of the world he had been stranded on. He had come across very few people and the ones that were still alive had decided that he would be a good target for food. He did not like killing them but their minds were gone from the incessant emptiness and the hunger which drove them to insanity. He felt pity for the bodies beneath him. He would have gladly let them kill him if he had not promised someone that he would come back. He kept his promises. It was one reason he was so well known for.
  As he returned his attention to the bodies he noticed a small figure moving amongst the dead. A lone wolf pup, a creature he had not seen for the hundreds of years since he had woken up here nor during any of his travels, was moving about the bodies in search of something to eat. Grim knew that if it ate from the bodies that it would die from food poisoning so he quickly jumped down and grabbed the pup. After a brief struggle the pup gave up trying to get away. "It's alright little pup. I will not hurt you. I simply do not wish for such a magnificent creature to die. Here." He set the pup down and quickly pulled some meat from a small pouch invisible beneath his clothes and offered it.
  After a few moments of hesitation the pup took it and, showing exactly how ravenous it was, scarfed it down, nearly choking on it in the process. It then pushed it's snout against Grim's hand, hungry for more; after moving away from the bodies and sitting down, he happily obliged. After the pup was stuffed and you could almost see each individual chunk against the pups stomach, it then climbed into Grim's lap and curled into a ball. There it slept whilst Grim sat petting it. He had decided to called the wolf Chaos. It seemed fitting to him since he had found him amiss the chaos that surrounded them.

Chapter 2

After sitting there for a short time petting Chaos, Grim decided to examine the wolf for health. He was also curious as to whether it was female or male for he did not wish to call it something it wasn't. He gently picked Chaos up and, seeing that the wolf still slumbered, began his examination. Once he had it in his arms he slowly rolled the pup over and immediately discovered it to be male.
  He then placed Chaos on his side and moved his hands through his strange, mid-length, dark green coat searching for any injury. Thankfully he found no serious wounds and only minor scrapes and tender spots. He couldn't tell how old the wolf was though he thought him to be young given his relative size. During his examination he noticed several distinct features about the wolf. First off was his dark green fur which had vertical stripes of black that began from his paws and rand to a small spot in the middle of his back. As if he wasn't strange enough. He blends right into the grass! thought Grim.
  Another odd thing about Chaos was the two little nubs atop his shoulder blades. They didn't seem to hurt the little guy and seemed to be attached to his shoulder blades. Grim was confounded by these but knew that they had to be natural to whatever breed of wolf Chaos was. He could find no evidence of damage or trauma to support any other theory.
  Among all these strange discoveries, the biggest would have to have been the pup's head. His iris's were crimson for one and around his eyes there were black diamonds though you only saw the tips of them. Yet another anomaly was his teeth. They were black though, from close inspection, very healthy. They were also razor sharp and his canines were longer than any wolf Grim had seen. As Grim continued Chaos started to wake up. When his eyes opened and he saw Grim he jumped up in a flash and was instantly on defense. Grim kept a calm demeanor about him and slowly reached into his clothes. He withdrew a small piece of meat and slowly offered it to Chaos to try to remind him that he was not an enemy and meant him no harm.
  A few moments passed before Chaos relaxed some. He eased out of his defensive stance, cautiously came forward, accepted the meat and quietly laid down to eat it. Very slowly, so as not to frighten the pup, Grim reached out and started petting him once more. Chaos was wary at first but slowly relaxed and allowed Grim to pet him. Before to long, both relaxed more and all the tension slowly faded away.

Chapter 3

At some point, in that moment of peace and contentment, Grim fell asleep. The years of little to no sleep had finally caught up with him. He'd been nearly three million years old when he first arrived on the planet and had had very few peaceful moments even before that. He had no idea how old he was, for the strange world had no conceivable change between day and night. His dreams were filled with the things he'd been through.
  Since he could walk he had been trained constantly. The very first thing he learned was how to fight and survive in any situation. As he progressed through his years he learned everything and anything he could. How to barter, politics, repairing anything, cooking, cleaning, reading and writing, hunting, etc. etc. etc. He read, constantly, anything he could get his hands onto and learned even more from them.
  He had been through all kinds of hell; War, drought, nuclear holocaust, famine, etc. However, he'd also experienced fantastic things. Things such as peace, prosperity, overabundant food, even paradise itself. He knew what slavery felt like and thus refused to own a slave himself. He knew what it felt like to be rich and what it was to be poor and could fully appreciate the world around him. He had served his time in the military.
  When he arrived on the planet that currently held him, he was immediately attacked by what he later called Kakles. He decided to name them that for their constant maniacal laughter while they were awake. They were also vicious, driven insane from the hunger or the surprise of their arrival on the planet. They had been beings, like Grim, who had mysteriously appeared there.
As he was in a deep sleep, more Kakles arrived, drawn by the smell of steaming blood and flesh. Though they weren't picky, they preferred anything still living as they ate it. At first they did not notice Grim nor Chaos and started feasting on the dead. Chaos, upon hearing bones snapping and broken maniacal laughing(due to the Kakles eating), woke quickly instantly on alert. He could sense that, next to being sliced,shot, or eaten, Grim would not awaken.
  He simply stood there alert waiting for what he knew would occur and heard the telltale sign of it. The Kakles had finally noticed their presence and had started heading towards them. Chaos immediately slipped into the grass instantly hidden from the Kakles and silently started stalking them through the grass.He waited for the perfect moment then took down the lead Kakle which died instantly and caused the rest to halt in surprise.
Chaos quickly took them down one by one and as he finished Grim started to wake. Chaos immediately went back to his spot beside Grim and laid down exhausted. Grim jerked to attention at the smell of fresh blood and looked around. What he saw surprised him and that was no easy thing to do. There were bodies strewn everywhere, some torn to shreds, some only bitten once but dead nevertheless. Chaos was covered in their blood.
  "Sorry Chaos. I guess I let you down with that sleep. Damn, I must have been OUT to have slept through that. Don't worry though, I'll be wide awake for centuries after that. You go on and rest now." said Grim. Chaos seemed to know what he meant and promptly fell asleep. He wasn't accustomed to fighting so many opponents at once and it had really drained him. "Let's get yo cleaned up shall we? For that matter I need to get cleaned up as well." Grim said knowing Chaos could still hear and understand him. Grim reached into his clothes and withdrew a small capsule that he'd been lucky enough to have in his possession when he disappeared from his home world.
 The capsule was a new breakthrough in technology on his planet. It allowed one to store one thing, that you had to choose so that nothing could accidentally get in there, no matter the size of it. It could be as small as an atom or as large as a planet. In this particular capsule however, was another breakthrough on his planet. It was called the future of the housing industry. It was a mansion that kept itself clean, supplied all necessities, even grew it's own food though this one only grew plants. He preferred his substitute meat anyways. It tasted better to him. It could be set up to actually raise and cook meat but he had chosen against it.
Grim had only used it once when he first arrived on planet but only had time for a drink before he was attacked. After that he never used it again and found water the old fashioned way. He found a good spot that was relatively free of hills, hit the button, and threw the capsule into the middle of the clearing. Almost immediately the mansion appeared seemingly from nothing.
  He scoped the area for danger then gently picked Chaos up and carried him inside.He walked quickly though quietly through the mansion to the nearest bathroom which was the size of a master bedroom in a normal house. He turned the shower on and waited all of three seconds for it to warm up. He withdrew all the various objects from within his clothing and placed them on an inconspicuous little conveyor belt which immediately took the items to be cleaned. He then went to a small panel that was in each room and turned on the house security; a feature he had been unaware of until he picked up the manual after the first attack.
  He slowly eased Chaos into the shower and grabbed the wash cloth that appeared on the small shelf inside the shower. This was another reason he loved the house; the moment the need arose the house supplied it instantly. The need didn't even need to be voiced. He quickly lathered Chaos up, washed, and dried him. Chaos slept as deeply as Grim had, and the gentle ministrations didn't even make him flick an ear.[color] After the shower he carried Chaos into a bedroom and placed him upon the middle of the huge, luxurious, king-sized bed and walked back out the door.
  As he left he decided to take a shower himself but first his curiosity got the better of him and he weighed himself. He wanted to see what he weighed before and after he took a shower and cleaned himself up. He got into the shower and quickly washed and dried. He then, upon looking in the mirror, shaved quickly. "I need a haircut." said Grim to himself and the house quickly filled that need with a robot which quickly cut his hair. Once he was done with all that he weighed himself again and was utterly astounded. He weighed nearly half of what he did before. In utter astonishment which quickly waned he walked to his room and dressed in the extremely refined, yet durable outfit that was supplied by the house yet again.
  Chaos awoke a while later to the smell of food and, after the house opened the door for him, followed his nose to the kitchen. In the kitchen he found Grim cooking some food while a large ornate bowl had been filled for his [color=red]own food. He quickly looked at Grim, gave him a thankful bob of his head, and started eating. Slowly at first, wary of what the food was then more ravenously as the food tasted good. When the food was finished, Grim sat at the table and devoured his own meal. Satisfied they went off to their respective bedrooms. Before entering his, Grim assured Chaos that nothing could get into the house while they slept, then they both fell asleep.

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