
Dec 01, 2009 13:51

Well, it's been a bad couple of weeks. After a few good weeks in a row, I started getting lax. I had a couple fast food binges, and realized a couple days ago that I'd started drinking Diet Coke again, after being aspartame-free for a couple months. I don't know if it was something chemical, or if the sweet taste reawakened my carb cravings, but I've definitely learned my lesson. I declare that I will no longer consume aspartame. Also, while it's *possible* for me to stay on my eating plan while eating some fast food, I realize that the temptation is very strong for me to fall back to old habits. So, I commit to be fast-food-free at least until my birthday (Feb 11).

As you can see from the picture, I'm now *way* off track, and over my max target. I recently learned the power of getting completion, so rather than stay guilty and beat myself up, I'm declaring myself complete with the last couple weeks, and moving on from here. So I'm not struggling in the red for a month, I'm giving myself a 2 pound easement starting next week, and recommitting to stay on the program from here on out.

A few weeks ago (when I was getting ahead of schedule), I added the blue line to show the steady 0.5% down from the beginning of the chart, anticipating that the max target would be *below* it eventually. The blue line will continue to show my long-term goal, and I still anticipate getting the red line below it again.

Two red weeks is a row is a clear wake-up call, so I'm taking some drastic action. While it's not entirely for the purposes of weight-loss, I've decided to do a therapeutic fast for several days this week. I am aware that this may *slow down* my metabolism in the short to medium term, but I feel like I need to issue a "hard reset" to my metabolism, and kick my carb cravings to the curb.

I've been thinking about a fast for a while now, but the timing hasn't worked until now. I first thought of doing it after hearing this interview which proposed an annual fast as a preventative measure for cancer. I also want to prove to myself that I can do it, and that I have control over what I put (or don't put) in my mouth.

I'm committed to fasting for 4 days, and I may extend it to 5, depending on how I feel. Saturday night at 8pm was my last food, so I'm now two and a half days in. I occasionally have a bit of a headache, and I get cold more easily than usual, but other than that, I'm feeling good. I think because I'm used to low-carb, my body is adjusting pretty well to burning fat. I decided to weigh in every day while I'm fasting, and the good news is that I've already reversed the trend.

I'll update next week, with my impressions of the fast, and with the results. Wish me luck!

health, weight

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