Slow and Steady

Apr 12, 2009 00:42

At the last weigh-in, I said goodbye to the 330s, and am down 50 lbs from my high! (10 lbs in the last month.) 2.5 lb/week isn't all that much better than 1.5, but it definitely feels like I'm making progress. I know things will go in phases, but if I can keep an average of 2 lb/week until I get pretty close to my goal weight, I'll be at goal in a year or so.

I have to keep reminding myself that it took years to put *on* the weight, so I can allow some time to get it off. I know some coworkers are having great success with a medically supervised program, but I know *I* have to live this way for the rest of my life, so this time of losing weight is good experience for the habits I'll need to keep it off. No appetite-suppressing drugs for me. (Well, other than manipulation of my insulin levels to suppress appetite and prevent fat deposition.)

Overall, I'm doing a good job of cooking and eating real food. I'm not afraid of a couple extra carbs here and there, if it's from real food. I had some nice strawberries the other day, and it doesn't seem to have stalled my weight loss.

I'm doing more exercise, but keeping it simple. Some body-weight exercises (push-ups, sit-ups, squats), or some high-intensity intervals on the elliptical, with occasional visits to the gym to mix it up with weights or swimming, and to weigh in. (I have a digital scale at home, but it maxes out at 300 lbs, so I'm weighing in at the gym until I get there.) I've started getting up earlier in the day, so I can get my workout in before work. That makes it much easier to get consistent time.

health, weight

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