Work. The Theatre. And the Vampire Ball.

Sep 29, 2011 00:01

::deep breath:: Where to begin? Work has been utterly hellish since the middle of July but there's a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. In all of my professional years, I've never experienced as tough a time as I have for the past six weeks. One of my colleagues created a clusterfu*k of massive proportions: we're only now getting things sorted out. On the plus side, business is good! We've made our year end targets at the end of the 3rd quarter -- everything going forward is a bonus -- in both senses of the word.

As for theatre, the last time I posted I'd just seen "Grief" and really needed something a bit more lighthearted. Well, thanks to last week, that was accomplished. Last Wednesday on the 21st, evildrem, loreley_se and I went to see No Naughty Bits. Essentially, "in December 1975 Monty Python’s Flying Circus was broadcast coast to coast in the US for the first time on a major network... but somebody cut out all the naughty bits! Undismayed, Michael Palin and Terry Gilliam flew to New York to persuade the Network to reinstate the cuts - and, somewhat by accident, found themselves at the centre of a landmark court case concerning freedom of expression and the protection of Artistic integrity..."

It's good fun, both silly and thought provoking, and all in all a lovely evening out. [At a very posh theatre by the by; I got smacked on the virtual hand by an audience member in front of me who complained she couldn't hear her friend because I was speaking too loudly -- and this was before the performance began. I am a bad, bad, North American who obviously doesn't understand the etiquette of being *quiet* in posh theatres -- before the show has even begun! ;).]

As for further uplifting shows, on Saturday night I met up with loreley_se to see Confessions of a Mormon Boy at the Charing Cross Theatre in the Arches off of Villiers Street.

Firstly, what a lovely little tucked away theatre -- it's definitely on my watch list for future productions. As for "Confessions", what a marvellous production. We caught the final show and, frankly, that 90 minutes sans intermission flew right by. I can fully appreciate the critical acclaim that it has received. To summarize: "Recounting how Steven went from being the perfect Mormon boy in Utah to a high-priced call boy in New York City, this provocative true story takes the audience from his Mormon mission to Portugal, through excommunication, divorce, prostitution and crystal meth addiction as he struggles to reclaim himself, his two children and his ‘Donny Osmond smile’." And it was Steven Fales himself who presented the monologue. Kudos to him for keeping us fascinated through out the performance.

And finally, 'tis the weekend of the Second Vampire Ball!. And I haz a beeej and pat_t arriving from across the pond early tomorrow morning. And then I haz a evildrem,mogwai_do and crowie arriving on Friday. And -- I have a special guest appearance from bigtitch on Saturday evening -- she who is now officially part of the South West of England Clan :D.

So, in summation, bring on the weekend!!

conventions, fandom, theatre

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