Question of the Day: Cats and Pouting

Nov 09, 2010 15:27

So, are cats born with the inherent ability to pout or do they learn it from their human servants?

Case in point: Sheppy wanted to drink from the toilet bowl. I disapprove of this. Ergo, I snatched him away and deposited him on the floor. He promptly padded off and somehow managed to maneuver himself under the bathroom mat with only his head sticking out and then proceeded to pout at me -- very effectively I must say.

I'm also having a problem with intelligent but bored cats. I work from home a few days a week. In the summertime it's not a problem because I have the windows open and the boys in particular go out on adventures during the day time when I need to be working. However, come winter time, those doors and windows are closed. So here I am, trying to work on my laptop, and I've got Markus (in particular) complaining that he's bored, bored, bored. I've already had him participate in two conference calls over the past two weeks with a very loud "miao, miao, miao, miao" which effectively translates into -- "entertain me! Now!". ::sigh:: At least the customers and my team feigned amusement at my situation.

I obviously need to increase their playtime in the mornings to wear them out: time to go and buy new toys for them!

kitties, personal

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