Travel, creepy crawlies, weather ...

Nov 01, 2010 18:03

Home *sweet* home.

Four days in Punta Gorda, Florida for Budget Meetings. Schmooze, schmooze, schmooze. Check. (And hot!) Speaking of hot, bugs don't normally bother me, but the guest house I was staying in had *cockroaches* in the kitchen under the sink. I literally froze when I saw them. My colleague had to stomp on them. Spiders, mice, centipedes -- all fine. Cockroaches -- no. Most definitely no.

Following that, nearly 24 hours in Atlanta, Georgia en route from Florida to Thunder Bay -- *not* check. Thanks to bad weather, I only made it from Fort Myers to Atlanta on Wednesday of last week and then got stuck in Atlanta for most of a day -- and most of it was spent at the airport. I can only hope that my bad weather luck has worn itself out and that my trip back to TBay at Christmas will go smoothly! Airports really are horrific places when there are backlogs. Talk about seeing the worst of humanity rearing its ugly head. ::shudder::

And then, two and a half days with the parents (which included three saunas by the lake in the wood heated sauna and loads of coffee). Check -- and that's a happy check.

And to wrap it all up, three kitties purring happily in Walton-on-Thames upon my return. Very happy check.

And now, off to catch up on television et al. I'm definitely feeling internet withdrawal at the moment ...


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