Title: Dochas
Artist: Jhava
Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin
Rating (if applicable): PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: After his wife is killed, Uther quits being a reverend and turns his back on God and religion. Arthur follows his father’s hatred, until he meets Merlin, a trainee priest, who takes it upon himself to help Arthur foster his own faith and belief....
Artist's notes: This project for
paperlegends was an utter delight to work on. Many, many thanks to my author
phys_nut for her enthusiasm over the first draft of the artwork -- we must have been channelling the same muse when it came to this project ;).
Story link: And here's a link to the story by the fabulous
"Dochas"Disclaimer: BBC/Shine own Merlin and its characters. Absolutely no profit is made from this work.
The primary version, quite a bit larger at 1200 by 700 can be
found here.