The Good, The Bad, and the Pretty ...

Jun 02, 2009 20:39

It's been an interesting couple of days -- quite the mix of bad and good news.

Let's begin with the bad news: no Torchsong for me I'm afraid. The boss has dictated that I attend a European Manager's Meeting which begins on the Monday which would have followed the con in Chicago. There was simply no way I was going to make the timing -- without being so shattered that I would have had difficulty staying awake at the meeting and missing all of Sunday at the con in any event.

The good news: I'm going to Edinburgh for this meeting. And the other good news, as I'm not travelling this weekend, evildrem and I are going to Collectormania and Leonard Nimoy (!!!!!) is scheduled to be a guest. As is Rachel Luttrell, Nathan Fillion, Burn Gorman, John DeLancie and Ben Browder (amongst many others). For reconciliation prizes for missing a Barrowman cabaret, I'll take this!

The next batch of bad news: the Barrowman concert tour has ended. However, on the plus side, it ended on a fabulous note at the Royal Albert Hall. The Barrowman actually got moved to tears during the standing ovation he received. And it was a standing ovation well deserved (as was the first one received, after he and Daniel finished "I Know Him So Well".)

And I had a lovely time catching up with teresadivicenzo and meeting jgkimmy for the first time over dinner at La Coda before the show.

And afterwards, unfortunately it was far too brief a time but I managed to catch up with bigtitch, encourage loreley_se to continue her research on trains, and find out all about the shenanigans of Asylum from londinensa.

And on the final plus side for the day, Daniel Boys' album, "So Close" was released yesterday. And ergo today I headed off to the Dress Circle shop and acquired my own copy (plus a copy of the Zorro soundtrack may have ended up in my shopping basket ;)).

I'm on my third listen to the album and I'm loving it. It's a mix of musical theatre and "regular" songs. The arrangements are gorgeous without being overboard. Daniel had wanted something close to an acoustic album and that was definitely achieved. I'm simply beaming at the moment.

And on that note, here's a handful of pictures from the RAH concert. The lighting was difficult for me yet again -- but I managed a few.

A study in contemplation.

A companion study.

Just pure perfection. More than comparable to the version performed when "Chess" played at the RAH last year.

My boys :)

My other boys -- particularly the blonde. I trust loreley_se and bigtitch will agree in my appreciation. And a few others!

What can I say? This was during the Scottish medley while JB was singing a song from "Phantom of the Opera". I much preferred this snuggling to the pouncing around with half their faces covered the dancers did in Brighton. ::grins::

daniel boys, work, john barrowman, concert, personal

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