ooc: 5+1 meme

Aug 15, 2010 20:57

5 + 1 meme!Comment with a 5 + 1 list (five times X did Y and the one time s/he didn't, for example) and I'll write a little drabble about it! Include the names of the characters, the ship (if applicable), and a general rating to go along with it. This goes for any of my characters.

Elena Gilbert | TVD, Jo Harvelle | Supernatural,
Nyota Uhura | Star Trek Xi, Wichita | Zombieland,
Lily Evans | Harry Potter, Jessie | Toy Story
(and Hermione from AVPM, but that's just crackalack)

Forgive me if it takes me 19 years to write these, this is, err. My second meme thing ever. But I really wanna do it, SO YEAH. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
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