bitter irony

Aug 18, 2005 07:41

this week, george went back to work and I resumed my studying for the series 24. It has been a little rough since matthew sleeps in our room right now and wakes up with our alarm every morning. Basically, before I get chance to open my eyes, he needs to be changed and fed. By the time he is satisfied and settling down, george is gone and ashleigh is up also needing to be changed and fed and enetertained. Once she is all set, matthew has been waking back up and wanting more food before taking his long nap. Mon-Wed of this week, I haven't showered before 10:30 or 11am, and then, I only got the chance to because my mom cam eover and bailed me out.

I felt like a waitress in the weeds all week. Seriously. My mom then took ash home with her for a few hours so I coudl get some studying done and by the time she cam home I was cross eyed I have been so tired.

I should also note that I have been going to bed at 11pm and falling asleep well after midnight. Then matthew wakes up at 3am for an hour or so and I have to pump etc.. so I have been miserable.

Yesterday, I vowed things were going to change. I went to bed at 10pm, and was alseep shortly after 11pm. My thinking was that I coudl get more sleep, wake up early with matthew and get him settled before dealing with george and ashleigh. Someone gave ashleigh the memo though because she decided to get up early too. so we were all up before 6am. Fortunately, the extra sleep I got from layign down earlier helped and I somehow managed t get both kids fed and matthew back down before 7am and ash and I took a shower and saw george off in a pleasant manner.

So now I am chipper, or as chipper as I can be at any rate and I am going to drop matt off at my moms and take ashleigh with me to the grocery store for a change.

Not sure what will happen after that I do need ot get studying done but maybe I can do it while she sleeps.

my little man is doign fantastic. My incision formthe c-section is doign chitty. it is very sore and agrivated because I thought it was healing nicely and laid on my stomach on the couch yesterday to study. Bad Idea. Bad. it was bleeding a littl elast ngiht after my shower so today I put some neosporin on it hopign ti woudl help smooth things over.

we will see

I do not go for my 6 week checkup until the wednesday I get back from st louis but I imagine I will be well along the road to fully healed by then.
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